The Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund application period submission cycle is closed.

Another exciting update, we received a grant for $200,000 through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for project construction! This is a significant portion of the project cost and will move us that much closer towards implementation. We wouldn't have received this grant without the initial CHRF support, which really speaks to the value of these smaller leveraging grants.

Emma Reesor, Executive Director, Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project

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Even $5 can make a difference!

Projects funded by the Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund are matched with an average of $6 for every $1 donated.

Make your donation to the Fund Now!

You can also pay by check written to Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund and mail it to P.O. Box 460736, Glendale, CO 80246

In 2002 Colorado General Assembly approved the Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund which was designed to be funded solely through the Colorado Individual Income Tax Refund Check-off Program. In 2015 we were surprised to learn that the Fund would not be on the 2015 Colorado Income Tax form. The fund lapsed into dormancy while we worked to have it reinstated.

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Our campaign to the Legislature in 2016 was successful and we are happy to announce that the Healthy Rivers Fund is not only back on the Tax Refund Check-off Program, but it has also been restructured to allow for contributions to be made year-round. (SB 02-087_HRF renewed 2015 / Tax Checkoff Extension_2016a_1297_signed / Extending CHRF Tax Check0ff 2021_2021a_145_signed)

We are embarking on an initiative to rebuild this fund which grants money to on-the-ground projects that contribute to cleaner water, healthier wildlife habitat, and improved recreation throughout our State. Please consider making a contribution to this important resource!

It’s easy to donate! Tell your accountant that you’d like to support Colorado nonprofits when filing your state income taxes. Thanks for your support!