Call for Papers: SCW Conference — Colorado Watershed Assembly
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Call for Papers: SCW Conference

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We hope you, your family and your friends are safe and finding many ways to stay physically distanced but socially connected. We are very hopeful that things will be back to some kind of normal by October, and are currently moving forward with the 15th Annual Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference as planned.

We couldn't have predicted the current public health crisis when we chose this year's conference theme, "Business as (Un)Usual," in February. Our aim is to highlight work that challenges the status quo, represents different perspectives around any given issue, or highlights new partnerships and/or business models that are helping to sustain and advance projects, programs, or even entire organizations.

We cordially invite you to submit abstracts for "Business as (Un)Usual" presentations by Tuesday, May 5. 

The agenda committee will meet to discuss which submissions work best with this year's theme and will inform you by June 23 if your presentation has been accepted.

We will prioritize presentations that:

1) Clearly identify what is unusual about the project or approach. Examples:
a) How is the project or approach challenging the status quo?
b) How is the project or approach relying on new or unusual partnerships to be most effective and/or financially feasible?
c) Or, is yours a situation where “business as un-usual” is actually a decision to stick with proven, tried-and-true strategies, and why?

2) Include two or more perspectives on the issue, in order to demonstrate diverse thinking or different values related to the project or approach

Submissions should include:

1) Presentation title (15 words max)
2) Short overview of your presentation (100 words max)
3) Format: Indicate if you prefer a 20-30 minute oral presentation, 30-90 minute panel, or a poster presentation.
     *Note that your submission may be selected for a format other than your stated preference.

As one of our sponsors recently told us:

“We are honored to be part of this endeavor for the past few years and enjoy experiencing the evolution of the presentations and conversations at the conference. It has become THE conference in Colorado for those concerned with river and watershed health to learn and share.”

You can be part of this important evolution! Submit your abstract by May 5.