Announcements Late November

Boulder County Parks & Open Space (BCPOS) is currently accepting research proposals for 2019 funding. Through these research projects and inventories the department can monitor management practices and improve resources and park visitor experiences. Collaborative research with other agencies is allowed (i.e. Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP) of the City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space), and we will consider interagency grant proposals for joint funding. Full details can be found HERE.

The Costilla County Conservancy District is soliciting bids for: Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment. The hired contractor, in collaboration with the Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment Advisory Team, will assess the ecological condition of the Upper Culebra watershed by collecting, compiling, and analyzing data characterizing riparian habitat, geomorphology, geology, adjacent uplands, water infrastructure, the condition of aquatic habitat, flow regimes, grazing, forest health and water quality through the collection of new data and the analysis of existing data. The data will be used to create reports, which will be included in the final Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment Report. More information can be found on their website HERE.

new USGS study tackles the question of the direction of trends—upward or downward—for seven common chemical constituents in water and comparing the magnitudes of the concentrations to drinking-water benchmarks and nutrient criteria. Trends for ammonia, chloride, nitrate, sulfate, total dissolved solids, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus in more than 300 U.S. streams and rivers were evaluated for the period 2002–2012. Constituent concentrations were compared to established water-quality benchmarks such as drinking-water standards, non-health-based guidelines for taste, color, and odor, and nutrient criteria for aquatic life. For more information on their work, visit their site HERE.

Colorado Watershed Flood Recovery 2013-2018. Colorado took a holistic approach to stream system recovery following the 2013 floods by focusing on watershed scale recovery and incorporating long-term resiliency into every project. Download the program description handout to learn more about the State’s approach and the successful outcomes. Handouts and Project Success Stories can be found HERE.

MEETING NOTICE: Colorado Water Quality Forum 10-year water quality roadmap Workgroup involvement opportunity. The mission of the workgroup is to achieve solutions to Colorado water quality issues through communication and understanding, balancing use, and protection of the resource. Water Quality Members and Participants: The 10-year water quality roadmap is their plan to develop or revise water quality standards from 2017 to 2027. They'll hold quarterly workgroup meetings to discuss progress and encourage participation. Learn more about all the topics involved on the roadmap webpage, ROAD WEBPAGE.

  • Meeting 1: Completed

  • Meeting two: Completed

  • Meeting three: Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018 (1-4 p.m.)

  • Meeting four: Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2019 (1-4 p.m.)

Anyone can participate! If you would like to receive future emails about the workgroup, use this online sign-up form to join the mailing list so they can stay in touch.

Funding Opportunities Late November

Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program 2019 Request for Proposals. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC), in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and others, are soliciting applications for the 2019 Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration program. The Five Star and Urban Waters program will award approximately $1.7 million in grants. Full Proposal Due Date: Thursday, January 31, 2019. More details can be found HERE.

Apply for EPA Brownfields Funding for 2019. With the passage of the Brownfield Utilization, Investment and Local Development (BUILD) Act, expect changes in Multipurpose, Assessment & Cleanup (MAC) grants. Call on CCLR -- we can help! The EPA Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment and Cleanup (MAC) Grant Request for Proposals is currently scheduled for release in late November or early December. Applicants will have at least 60 calendar days following release of this RFP to submit their proposal through

Boulder County Parks & Open Space (BCPOS) is currently accepting research proposals for 2019 funding. Through these research projects and inventories the department can monitor management practices and improve resources and park visitor experiences. Collaborative research with other agencies is allowed (i.e. Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP) of the City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space), and we will consider interagency grant proposals for joint funding. Full details can be found HERE.

The Costilla County Conservancy District is soliciting bids for: Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment. The hired contractor, in collaboration with the Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment Advisory Team, will assess the ecological condition of the Upper Culebra watershed by collecting, compiling, and analyzing data characterizing riparian habitat, geomorphology, geology, adjacent uplands, water infrastructure, the condition of aquatic habitat, flow regimes, grazing, forest health and water quality through the collection of new data and the analysis of existing data. The data will be used to create reports, which will be included in the final Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment Report. More information can be found on their website HERE.

Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program. This program provides funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas. Full details, including requirements and registration, can be found HERE. 

EPA Wetland Program Development Grants—Application Close Date Varies by Region –Wetland Program Development Grants (WPDGs) provide eligible applicants an opportunity to conduct projects that promote the protection, management, and restoration of wetlands. States, tribes, local governments, inter-state associations, and inter-tribal consortia are eligible to apply for the Regional WPDG Request for Proposals. More information available HERE.

WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program - Watershed Group Development and Watershed Restoration Planning. In 2012, Reclamation began providing funding for watershed group development, watershed restoration planning, and watershed management project design (Phase I). A watershed group is a self-sustaining, non-regulatory, consensus-based group that is composed of a diverse array of stakeholders, which may include, but is not limited to, private property owners, non-profit organizations, Federal, state, or local agencies, and tribes. As part of Phase I activities, applicants may use funding to develop bylaws, a mission statement, complete stakeholder outreach, develop a watershed restoration plan, and watershed management project design. For more information, click HERE

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Planning Design and Engineering Grants. These grants provide money to small communities to help cover costs associated with the State Revolving Fund pre-application requirements. Grants require a 20 percent match from the applicant. Planning grant applicants must complete the prequalification form and attend a pre-application meeting. Design and engineering grant applicants will be considered by project needs assessment submissions by approved disadvantaged communities. For more information CLICK HERE.

Colorado's Water Plan Grant Opportunities: The purpose of the Water Plan Grant funding is to make progress on the critical actions identified in the Colorado’s Water Plan (CWP) and its Measurable Objectives. All applications will be assessed based on funds available for a particular CWP Measurable Objective category. The Board will select projects, programs and activities to fund from applications that have the best opportunity to make progress on the CWP’s Measurable Objectives or critical actions. The CWCB staff reserves the right to negotiate with successful applicants to modify the scope and budget of their project to better meet the CWP objectives in light of fund availability. CWCB staff will evaluate applications and recommend projects to the CWCB Board for final approval at its regularly scheduled Board meetings. Learn more HERE.

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), provided through the Natural Resource Conservation Service, is a voluntary conservation program that helps agricultural producers in a manner that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality as compatible goals. Through EQIP, agricultural producers receive financial and technical assistance to implement structural and management conservation practices that optimize environmental benefits on working agricultural land. EQIP applications are accepted on a continuous basis, however, NRCS establishes application "cut-off" or submission deadline dates for evaluation, ranking and approval of eligible applications. EQIP is open to all eligible agricultural producers and submitted applications may be considered or evaluated in multiple funding pool opportunities. To learn more CLICK HERE.

The Colorado Water Conservation Board Water Supply Reserve Account (WSRA) Program provides grants and loans to assist Colorado water users in addressing their critical water supply issues and interests. The funds help eligible entities complete water activities, which may include competitive grants for: Technical assistance regarding permitting, feasibility studies and environmental compliance; Studies or analysis of structural, nonstructural consumptive and nonconsumptive water needs, projects or activities; and structural and nonstructural water projects or activities.

What type of Water Supply Reserve Fund Grants are available?

Basin Account: Funds water activities from a basin roundtable. The CWCB evaluates applications for the Basin Account to ensure the Threshold Criteria are met.

Statewide Account: Funds water activities from a basin roundtable on a competitive basis. The CWCB evaluates applications for the Statewide Account to ensure each application meets the Threshold Criteria in addition to being evaluated using the Evaluation Criteria.

For more information click HERE.

Colorado Water Conservation Board Water Efficiency Grant Program. The Water Efficiency Grant Program provides financial assistance to communities, water providers, and eligible agencies for water conservation-related activities and projects. Eligible entities, as well as state and local governments and agencies, can receive funding to develop water conservation and drought plans, implement water conservation goals outlined in a water conservation plan and educate the public about water conservation.
Types of Water Efficiency Grants available - Click on programs below for more information about each and how to apply:

RiversEdge West has a list of riparian restoration funding opportunities maintained by the Tamarisk Coalition.  For list click  restoration funding opportunities.

Trainings & Workshops Late November

NOVEMBER 16th, 2018: SGM 2018 Water/Wastewater Fall Forum Registration. SGM is excited to host the 9th annual Water and Wastewater Operations and Practices Fall Forum. This year their speakers will address regulatory updates, funding strategies, alternative project delivery, and new technology to keep you in the know. For event details, and registration, click HERE.

DECEMBER 11th-14th, 2018: CIG Course at Butterfly Pavilion. Butterfly Pavilion will be offering a Certified Interpretive Guide course in December of this year. The Certified Interpretive Guide program is designed for anyone who delivers programs to the public. It combines the theoretical foundations of the interpretation profession with practical skills in delivering quality interpretive programming to varied audiences. If you work (or would like to work) at tour and cruise companies, parks, zoos, museums, nature centers, aquariums etc. helping visitors connect with our natural or cultural heritage this 32 – hour course is for you! For full info, click HERE.

MARCH 13th-14th, 2019: Water in the West Symposium. Join leaders from diverse disciplines to dive deep into water issues affecting the region and to explore innovative solutions to water challenges. The Symposium will feature nationally renowned speakers, and showcase the efforts of various sectors in leveraging research, innovation, education, and creative policies to address the most pressing global water issues. For more information, click HERE.

Conferences & Events Late November

DECEMBER 12th, 2018: Third Annual Soil Revolution Conference in Boulder, CO. This full-day event will shed light on the past, present, and future issues surrounding soil health, including the history of global agricultural production, agronomic and financial benefits for today's producers, and the importance of creating resilient landscapes. Full event info, including registration, click HERE.

FEBRUARY 4th - 6th, 2019: ESRI Water Conference: Discover How GIS Helps Us Better Manage Our Most Precious Resource. Some of the topics that you can look forward to learning more about include; Big Data and Analytics, Watershed and Floodplain Delineation, Asset Management, Field Workflows and Mobile Applications. Post-Conference training will cover using ArcGIS for water utility workflows. Learn new best practices and solutions to strengthen your operations with the power of the ArcGIS platform. REGISTER HERE.

FEBRUARY 11th – 14th, 2019: Colorado Rural Water Association Annual Conference and Exhibition. SAVE THE DATE! This event will be held at the Crowne Plaza DIA Convention Center, 1550 East 40th Avenue, Denver, CO. For more information click HERE.

MARCH 17th-23rd, 2019: Sustainable Trails Conference - Grand Junction, CO. Don't miss this convening of international trail experts in Grand Junction, CO!  Participants will engage in hands-on workshops, concurrent and plenary sessions, and networking opportunities throughout the event.  For more information, click HERE.

Job Announcements Late November

Chatfield Watershed Authority has announced a Request for Proposals (RFP) to obtain competitive proposals from qualified consultants for a Manager to provide management and administrative services to the Chatfield Watershed Authority. Services to be provided include administrative, communication, and management functions to support the operation of an established and evolving watershed organization. The basin-wide group of counties, municipalities, special districts, private, and other entities, known as the “Chatfield Watershed Authority”, was formulated through intergovernmental agreement after the Chatfield Reservoir total phosphorus standard was adopted in 1984. Responses are due no later than 4:00 p.m. on December 10th. Click on Request for Proposal for the full request. For more information visit the Chatfield Watershed Authority Website.

Colorado Department of Natural Resources is hiring a Professional Engineer II. This position exists to provide advice, support, and guidance to the CWCB, the CWCB staff, and the Office of Attorney General regarding management and protection of instream flow water rights utilizing sound engineering principles and professional judgment.  This position conducts complex engineering and hydrologic analyses to determine diversion requirements, transmission losses, evaporation losses, historical consumptive use, ground water, and surface water return flows, lagged timing impacts, and the general hydrologic regime required for the acquisition, appropriation, and protection of instream flow and natural lake level (ISF/NLL) water rights. Deadline to apply is November 30th, 2018. For full job posting, click HERE.

City of Greeley is hiring a Natural Resources Superintendent, who is is an integral part of the organization and member of the Culture, Parks and Recreation Department's senior management team.  The NR Superintendent will have responsibility to direct a team of professionals to plan, develop, and implement the City's priorities in establishing and implementing a newly created Natural Resources Division which currently includes approximately 900 acres of natural areas and a growing network of trails including approximately 11 miles of the Poudre River Trail. Deadline to apply is December 3rd, 2018. Full job description found HERE.

Colorado State University is hiring an Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development. This position provides leadership, guidance, direction and educational programming to support the 4-H youth development program in Denver. This person will have a proven track record of engaging community, delivering programs, building program capacity, supporting and developing staff and volunteers, and using a variety of program delivery methods to engage youth and adults. Completed master's degree required. Degrees may have been awarded in a number of different areas but must include significant course work in youth development or education. Deadline to apply is December 4th, 2018. For more information, click HERE.

Colorado Water Trust is hiring a Water Transactions Coordinator who will evaluate, develop, and implement flow restoration projects throughout Colorado using collaborative, voluntary, market-based approaches. S/he will work in a team environment under the direction of the Director of Programs. The ideal candidate will share our passion for Western water and healthy rivers, is adept at thinking outside the box to advance the Water Trust’s goals, has excellent communication and interpersonal skills in addition to technical skills, is comfortable communicating complex technical information to a variety of audiences, and is persistent despite occasionally skeptical audiences or difficult, long-term projects. Deadline to apply is December 7th, 2018. To apply, Please submit a resume, cover letter, and three references, via e-mail to with “Water Transaction Position” in the e-mail subject line.

Upper Deschutes Watershed Council is seeking an Executive Director provides leadership and support across the organization, setting and implementing the strategic direction to further the UDWC mission. The Executive Director has overall administrative responsibility for day-to-day operations, is a developer and promoter of the UDWC’s programs, is a fundraiser and spokesperson, and is a community leader on issues in the watershed. The Executive Director is charged with ensuring that the organization achieves its mission, maintains financial viability, and functions as an innovative and effective watershed restoration and education partner. For full job description, click HERE.

Denver Parks & Recreation has an exciting opportunity for an Urban Forestry Operations Assistant to support the operations of the Office of the City Forester. This position will interface with citizens and other stakeholders and will also play an integral role in Denver’s tree planting initiatives, tree inventory, and code enforcement through field work. For more information, click HERE.

Denver’s Department of Parks and Recreation has an opportunity for an Arborist Technician I to perform general forestry work to support Denver’s urban forest. This includes tree pruning, planting, transplanting, watering, fertilizing, tree removal, insect/disease identification, pesticide application, and inventory. For more information, visit their page HERE.

Water Education Colorado is currently hiring an Education and Outreach Coordinator. Water Education Colorado is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2002 to promote awareness and understanding of Colorado water resources and issues. The Education and Outreach Coordinator will play an active role in achieving Water Education Colorado’s mission by implementing and expanding educational programs and outreach activities. Responsibilities lie within many of the organization’s functional areas, including member engagement and support, educational trainings and events and communications. For more information and how to apply go to,

Wildlands Restoration Volunteers is excited to announce an opening for a Grants Manager to join their fundraising team. The Grants Manager's most important responsibilities will include crafting fundraising strategy, developing proposals, and managing grants, including post-award reporting and invoicing. This position could work out of either our Boulder or Fort Collins offices. Please see the linked position description for details and application

Colorado Springs Utilities is hiring a Water Resources Planning Engineer. The Water Resource Planning Section of Colorado Springs Utilities’ Water Services Division is seeking to fill multiple project engineer positions to support water resources planning, protection and project management.  These positions will be dedicated to pursuing a wide range of efforts, initiatives, and projects to support the current operations and future development of Colorado Springs’ water system with an emphasis on the implementation of Integrated Water Resource Plan goals and priorities of the Water Services Division. For more information, including how to apply, click HERE.

Department of Parks and Recreation for the City of Denver is hiring a Fishing Program Coordinator. The Fishing Program Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that the Denver's Fishing is Fun program is properly organized and successfully implemented. This is a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience working for one of the largest park programs in the region and truly making a positive impact in the community. They are looking for an individual to work part-time through the remainder of the season (through approximately November of 2018). For more information, visit their website HERE.

Eagle River Watershed Council is seeking a Community Outreach VISTA to become a part of their team. The VISTA will help to expand their community outreach efforts particularly in the Latino and underserved communities, build organizational capacity, and help develop a new water quality education program county-wide. All applications must be submitted through the AmeriCorps website. To create a login visit More information about the AmeriCorps VISTA application process is HERE

Continental Divide Trail Coalition is looking for a Project Leader (to be filled immediately). This full-time, seasonal position (July - October) requires leadership experience in constructing and managing non-motorized trails through collaborative partnerships, proven success in program coordination and a background in volunteer management. Requires a minimum of two years of experience in sustainable trail construction techniques and crew leadership/volunteer management. For more information, click HERETo apply: Please email a Cover Letter and Resume to Morgan Anderson at with Subject: CDT Project Leader Application.