Announcements Late January

High Altitude Revegetation Committee – Central Rockies chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration is seeking high quality oral and poster presentations by practitioners, scientists, land managers, students and policymakers to enhance our understanding of restoration and revegetation in diverse ecosystems using a variety of methods. To submit an Abstract for an oral or poster presentation, please complete the Abstract Submission Form by clicking here by January 25, 2019For more information, click HERE.

The Colorado Water Quality Control Commission consists of nine members with staggered 3-year terms. Commission members are appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Colorado Senate. The following members’ terms expire February 15, 2018: Barbara Biggs (finishing her second term), Fred Menzer (finishing his first term) and Kevin Greer (finishing his first term). While the governor may or may not reappoint some of these commissioners, applications are being accepted from anyone interested in serving on the commission. For more information, and application, click HERE.

The Watershed Planning Toolbox is a comprehensive resource for incorporating wetlands and streams into watershed planning, restoring wetlands to improve watershed health, and identifying opportunities for wetland conservation. Many Toolbox data layers have statewide coverage, while some more detailed layers for wetland functions and priority conservation and restoration are building out from the Arkansas and South Platte Headwaters Project Area. The Toolbox includes an interactive mapping platform that allows users to view wetlands, streams, likely aquatic ecosystem functions, ecological stressors, and high-priority sites for conservation and restoration at the landscape scale. Along with geospatial data, the Toolbox includes a gateway to a variety of other restoration and conservation resources via the Working in Wetlands web pages.

Launch the Watershed Planning Toolbox Mapping Tool

Boulder County Parks & Open Space (BCPOS) is currently accepting research proposals for 2019 funding. Through these research projects and inventories the department can monitor management practices and improve resources and park visitor experiences. Collaborative research with other agencies is allowed (i.e. Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP) of the City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space), and we will consider interagency grant proposals for joint funding. Full details can be found HERE.

MEETING NOTICE: Colorado Water Quality Forum 10-year water quality roadmap Workgroup involvement opportunity. The mission of the workgroup is to achieve solutions to Colorado water quality issues through communication and understanding, balancing use, and protection of the resource. Water Quality Members and Participants: The 10-year water quality roadmap is their plan to develop or revise water quality standards from 2017 to 2027. They'll hold quarterly workgroup meetings to discuss progress and encourage participation. Learn more about all the topics involved on the roadmap webpage, ROAD WEBPAGE.

  • Meeting 1: Completed

  • Meeting 2: Completed

  • Meeting 3: Completed

  • Meeting 4: Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2019 (1-4 p.m.)

Anyone can participate! If you would like to receive future emails about the workgroup, use this online sign-up form to join the mailing list so they can stay in touch.

Conferences & Events Late January

FEBRUARY 4th - 6th, 2019: ESRI Water Conference: Discover How GIS Helps Us Better Manage Our Most Precious Resource. Some of the topics that you can look forward to learning more about include; Big Data and Analytics, Watershed and Floodplain Delineation, Asset Management, Field Workflows and Mobile Applications. Post-Conference training will cover using ArcGIS for water utility workflows. Learn new best practices and solutions to strengthen your operations with the power of the ArcGIS platform. REGISTER HERE.

FEBRUARY 11th – 14th, 2019: Colorado Rural Water Association Annual Conference and Exhibition. This event will be held at the Crowne Plaza DIA Convention Center, 1550 East 40th Avenue, Denver, CO. For more information click HERE.

MARCH 12th-14th, 2019: HAR-CERSER 2019 Conference. Jointly hosted by High Altitude Revegetation Committee (HAR) and Central Rockies chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (CeRSER), the goal of the 2019 Conference is to enhance our understanding of ecological restoration and revegetation in diverse ecosystems using a variety of methods. For more information click HERE.

MARCH 13th-14th, 2019: Water in the West Symposium. Join leaders from diverse disciplines to dive deep into water issues affecting the region and to explore innovative solutions to water challenges. The Symposium will feature nationally renowned speakers, and showcase the efforts of various sectors in leveraging research, innovation, education, and creative policies to address the most pressing global water issues. For more information, click HERE.

MARCH 17th-23rd, 2019: Sustainable Trails Conference - Grand Junction, CO. Don't miss this convening of international trail experts in Grand Junction, CO. Participants will engage in hands-on workshops, concurrent and plenary sessions, and networking opportunities throughout the event. For more information, click HERE.

APRIL 19th, 2019: 2019 AWRA-CGWA Annual Symposium: Colorado Water Stories – Learning from our past, reimagining our future at the Mount Vernon Canyon Club, 24933 Club House Circle, Golden, CO 80401 from 7:30 am - 4:30 pm. More info to come! Go to for more information.

APRIL 24th-26th, 2019: 2019 Partners in the Outdoors Conference, hosted by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Be a part of the solution in the shift from Planning to Action. Based on the Colorado Outdoor Principles and after months of collaborative work across the state from hundreds of partners, stakeholders and citizens, Colorado has drafted one of the finest Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plans (SCORP) in the nation. Conference is SOLD OUT. A limited number of "Friday Only" registrations are available. Register HERE. For more information about registering as an exhibitor, please contact Carley Engfer at  

JUNE 18th-20th, 2019: The 4th Rocky Mountain Stream Restoration Conference will provide an opportunity for professionals to share ideas and lessons learned in stream restoration assessment, planning, design, construction, and evaluation, as well as other topical stream issues. The conference will explore stream restoration challenges and solutions, with a focus on the Intermountain West. For agenda click HERE.

Funding Opportunities Late January

WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program - Implementation of Watershed Management Projects: In 2017, Reclamation started to provide cost-shared financial assistance to watershed groups to implement watershed management projects (Phase II). These on-the-ground projects, collaboratively developed by members of a watershed group, address critical water supply needs and water quality concerns, helping water users meet competing demands and avoid conflicts over water. Reclamation will award up to $100,000 per project over a two-year period. For Phase II projects, applicants must contribute at least 50% of the total project costs. Applications are due on January 30, 2019 by 4:00 p.m. MDT. For more information, click HERE

Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program 2019 Request for Proposals. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC), in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and others, are soliciting applications for the 2019 Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration program. The Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grant program seeks to develop community capacity to sustain local natural resources for future generations by providing financial assistance to diverse local partnerships focused on improving water quality, watersheds and the species and habitats they support.
Full Proposal Due Date: Thursday, January 31, 2019. More details can be found HERE.

Apply for EPA Brownfields Funding for 2019. With the passage of the Brownfield Utilization, Investment and Local Development (BUILD) Act, expect changes in Multipurpose, Assessment & Cleanup (MAC) grants. The EPA Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment and Cleanup (MAC). To submit your proposal go to

Boulder County Parks & Open Space (BCPOS) is currently accepting research proposals for 2019 funding. Through these research projects and inventories the department can monitor management practices and improve resources and park visitor experiences. Collaborative research with other agencies is allowed (i.e. Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP) of the City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space), and they will consider interagency grant proposals for joint funding. Full details can be found HERE.

US Department of Agriculture Rural Development Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program. This program provides funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas. Full details, including requirements and registration, can be found HERE. 

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Planning Design and Engineering Grants. These grants provide money to small communities to help cover costs associated with the State Revolving Fund pre-application requirements. Grants require a 20 percent match from the applicant. Planning grant applicants must complete the prequalification form and attend a pre-application meeting. Design and engineering grant applicants will be considered by project needs assessment submissions by approved disadvantaged communities. For more information CLICK HERE.

Colorado's Water Plan Grant Opportunities: The purpose of the Water Plan Grant funding is to make progress on the critical actions identified in the Colorado’s Water Plan (CWP) and its Measurable Objectives. All applications will be assessed based on funds available for a particular CWP Measurable Objective category. The Board will select projects, programs and activities to fund from applications that have the best opportunity to make progress on the CWP’s Measurable Objectives or critical actions. The CWCB staff reserves the right to negotiate with successful applicants to modify the scope and budget of their project to better meet the CWP objectives in light of fund availability. CWCB staff will evaluate applications and recommend projects to the CWCB Board for final approval at its regularly scheduled Board meetings. Learn more HERE.

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), provided through the Natural Resource Conservation Service, is a voluntary conservation program that helps agricultural producers in a manner that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality as compatible goals. Through EQIP, agricultural producers receive financial and technical assistance to implement structural and management conservation practices that optimize environmental benefits on working agricultural land. EQIP applications are accepted on a continuous basis, however, NRCS establishes application "cut-off" or submission deadline dates for evaluation, ranking and approval of eligible applications. EQIP is open to all eligible agricultural producers and submitted applications may be considered or evaluated in multiple funding pool opportunities. To learn more CLICK HERE.

The Colorado Water Conservation Board Water Supply Reserve Account (WSRA) Program provides grants and loans to assist Colorado water users in addressing their critical water supply issues and interests. The funds help eligible entities complete water activities, which may include competitive grants for: Technical assistance regarding permitting, feasibility studies and environmental compliance; Studies or analysis of structural, nonstructural consumptive and nonconsumptive water needs, projects or activities; and structural and nonstructural water projects or activities.

What type of Water Supply Reserve Fund Grants are available?

Basin Account: Funds water activities from a basin roundtable. The CWCB evaluates applications for the Basin Account to ensure the Threshold Criteria are met.

Statewide Account: Funds water activities from a basin roundtable on a competitive basis. The CWCB evaluates applications for the Statewide Account to ensure each application meets the Threshold Criteria in addition to being evaluated using the Evaluation Criteria.

For more information click HERE.

Colorado Water Conservation Board Water Efficiency Grant Program. The Water Efficiency Grant Program provides financial assistance to communities, water providers, and eligible agencies for water conservation-related activities and projects. Eligible entities, as well as state and local governments and agencies, can receive funding to develop water conservation and drought plans, implement water conservation goals outlined in a water conservation plan and educate the public about water conservation.
Types of Water Efficiency Grants available - Click on programs below for more information about each and how to apply:

RiversEdge West has a list of riparian restoration funding opportunities maintained by the Tamarisk Coalition.  For list click  restoration funding opportunities.

Trainings & Workshops Late January

JANUARY 24th, 2019: Colorado Ag Water Alliance Irrigator Workshops: Nucla - Stream Management Plans at the Nucla Community Center, 1045 Main St., Nucla, CO 81424 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. What is a Stream Management Plan? What do Stream Management Plans have to do with Ag? The Colorado Ag Water Alliance (CAWA) wants to explore the potential of these projects to include benefits to Ag, and why Ag should participate and consider a leadership role in these plans. Come listen to other farmers and ranchers about their experience with Stream Management Plans.For more information and to register CLICK HERE.

FEBRUARY 11th,18th, & 25th, 2019: 2019 Water Course. Join Colorado Mesa University for this 3-evening seminar series on water in our region! February 11: Introduction to Colorado Water Supply, Use and Law. February 18: Impacts of Drought & Aridification. February 25: Colorado River Drought Contingency Planning. CMU students can earn 1 credit for attending this series plus additional sessions on February 4 and March 4 and completing an assignment. K-12 Teachers can also participate in this expanded series. For more information, including registration, click HERE.

MARCH 4th-5th, 2019: QUALIFIED MS4 STORMWATER TRAINING. In this two-day course they will cover all the topics to ensure that you meet the regulatory requirement to conduct Stormwater Inspections. They will review the requirements of your state MS4, Construction, and Industrial General Permits; we will discuss what it takes for you to be in compliance with the permits; they will discuss inspection techniques that will help you better evaluate whether or not other permittees are in compliance with their permits – and how that influences your permit compliance; and they will discuss BMPs – which are best, when to use them, how to use them, and how to know if BMPs are correctly installed and maintained. For details, including registration, click HERE.

MARCH 5th-8th, 2019: Certified Interpretive Guide (CIG) Training Class. South Platte Park has opened registration for their next training course at South Platte Park in Littleton.  Successful students will receive nationally-recognized certification in interpretation and resource communication. If you have been considering this course for your incoming seasonals, front-line staff, extraordinary volunteers, new hires, or old hands, now is the time to register! For more information and how to register, click HERE.

MARCH 21st-22nd, 2019. Certified Stormwater Inspector Training. This course was developed by former Federal and State stormwater enforcement officials for the express purpose of training municipal stormwater personnel to conduct stormwater inspections of municipal, commercial, industrial, and construction activities. It includes instruction in the law (federal, state, local), illicit discharge detection and elimination, pollution prevention, post construction, public involvement and education, inspector protocols, and much more! For more information, including registration, click HERE.

APRIL 1st-3rd, 2019: After the Flames Workshop and Conference.  Experts warn that year-round fire season is the new normal. Wildfire is no longer "if" it will occur, but rather "when." The impacts of a wildfire last long after the flames are extinguished. Community leaders, agency representatives, property owners, and anyone impacted by wildfire is invited to join this interactive workshop and conference featuring recovery experts and agencies engaging After The Flames. For more information click HERE.

Job Announcements Late January

Colorado Open Lands (COL) is seeking a land conservation Stewardship Specialist to join their team in their Lakewood, Colorado office. The Stewardship Specialist supports the conservation easement stewardship functions of COL and will work with farmers, ranchers and landowners across the state in helping to steward their conservation easements. The Specialist will also serve as a program technician for COL’s GIS program and will be responsible for administering and improving the inter-departmental Salesforce LOCATE Database. Deadline to apply is January 27th, 2019. For full details and how to apply, click HERE.

The City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department is pleased to announce a new Natural Areas & Trail Ranger job opening. Natural Areas Rangers conducts patrol of City natural areas and recreation trails to enforce City Municipal code and Natural Areas regulations.  Works as part of integrated team to protect natural resource values and ensure visitor safety and regulation compliance. Deadline to apply is February 8th, 2019. For more information, and full job description, click HERE.

Want to work outside and connect kids with nature or know someone who does? The Greenway Foundation has the perfect job! They're looking for high-energy environmental educators to fill 9-month seasonal positions with the SPREE program. Seasonal Educators teach elementary students on field trip and day camp programs along the South Platte River and Cherry Creek. Daily responsibilities include catching crawdads, panning for gold, and searching for signs of animals with Denver kids. Check out the full job descriptions HERE and apply to become the next member of the SPREE Team!

Round River Resource Management, Rush, Colorado - Round River Resource Management LLC is a land resource and livestock management company dedicated to restoring and improving agricultural operations through the principles of Holistic Management in a sustainable manner consistent with the goals of the resource owner. On the Brett Gray Ranch, a 50,000-acre ranch in Rush, Colorado, Round River uses cattle to manage the health of the land through proper grazing management and a holistic and adaptive decision making process that promotes economic and ecological sustainability. This intensive apprenticeship program teaches land and livestock management skills associated with sustainable ranching. Apply at