Funding Opportunities Late January

Colorado's Water Plan Grant Opportunities: The purpose of the Water Plan Grant funding is to make progress on the critical actions identified in the Colorado’s Water Plan (CWP) and its Measurable Objectives. Water Plan projects eligible for grants fit into the five main categories: Agriculture, Conservation and Land Use, Engagement and Innovation, Environment and Recreation, and Water Storage and Supply. CWCB staff will evaluate applications and recommend projects to the CWCB Board for final approval at its regularly scheduled Board meetings. The next grant application deadline is February 1st, 2020. Learn more HERE.

The Non-Point Source (NPS) Program funds projects that help restore and protect waterbodies from nonpoint source pollution impacts. The CDPHE Water Quality Control Division is now accepting applications for watershed implementation projects that address water quality impairments caused by nonpoint sources of selenium, sediment, pathogens and/or nutrients OR protect waterbodies currently meeting water quality standards from further degradation due to nonpoint sources of pollution. For application and reference materials, click HERE. The application deadline is February 3rd, 2020. Please direct questions regarding the Request for Applications to Estella Moore at by January 7, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Answers to those questions will be posted on on January 15, 2020.

Colorado River Network offers funding from the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank. Are you planning, designing, or implementing on-the-ground restoration projects that will restore river flows and/or recharge ground water? Would you like the opportunity to share your projects with businesses who may be interested in providing support for your projects? If the answer is “Yes!” be sure to check out the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank, a new opportunity for paid members of River Network to use a national platform to attract funding.

US Department of Agriculture Rural Development Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program. This program provides funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas. The program is currently accepting applications. Full details, including requirements and guidance, can be found HERE. 

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Water Quality Planning Design and Engineering Grants. These grants provide money to small communities to help cover costs associated with the State Revolving Fund pre-application requirements. Grants require a 20% match from the applicant. Planning grant applicants must complete the prequalification form and attend a pre-application meeting. Design and engineering grant applicants will be considered by project needs assessment submissions by approved disadvantaged communities. For more information click HERE.

The Colorado Water Conservation Board Water Supply Reserve Fund (WSRF) Program provides grants and loans to assist Colorado water users in addressing their critical water supply issues and interests. The funds help eligible entities complete water activities, which may include competitive grants for: Technical assistance regarding permitting, feasibility studies and environmental compliance; Studies or analysis of structural, nonstructural consumptive and nonconsumptive water needs, projects or activities; and structural and nonstructural water projects or activities. For more information click HERE.

What type of Water Supply Reserve Fund Grants are available?

Basin Account: Funds water activities from a basin roundtable. The CWCB evaluates applications for the Basin Account to ensure the Threshold Criteria are met. *Applications are accepted year-round.

Statewide Account: Funds water activities from a basin roundtable on a competitive basis. The CWCB evaluates applications for the Statewide Account to ensure each application meets the Threshold Criteria in addition to being evaluated using the Evaluation Criteria. *Statewide applications are brought before the board in March and September.

Colorado Water Conservation Board Water Efficiency Grant Program. The Water Efficiency Grant Program provides financial assistance to communities, water providers, and eligible agencies for water conservation-related activities and projects. Eligible entities, as well as state and local governments and agencies, can receive funding to develop water conservation and drought plans, implement water conservation goals outlined in a water conservation plan and educate the public about water conservation.
Types of Water Efficiency Grants available - Click on programs below for more information about each and how to apply:

The Environmental Protection Agency Water Finance Clearinghouse has access to hundreds of water funding opportunities that can be found HERE.

Trainings & Workshops Late January

JANUARY 23rd, 2020: CREEC Meeting. The next U.S. Geological Survey CREEC meeting will be 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the New Terrain Brewing Company, 16401 Table Mountain Pkwy, Golden, CO 80403. The speakers will be: Bill Diguiseppi, Jacobs, "1,4-Dioxane: The Neglected Emerging Contaminant” and Nicole Fitzgerald, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow at Colorado School of Mines, "Trace Organic Contaminants in Stormwater and Their Fate in Rain Gardens." Email Bill Battaglin at to RSVP or ask for webex (online meeting) details.

JANUARY 28th, 2020: Water Festival Coordinators Gathering with Water Education Colorado. This annual gathering brings together water festival coordinators across the state to discover strategies to improve their events. It's also an opportunity to share best practices, challenges, and lessons learned. Register and find out more HERE.

FEBRUARY 6th, 2020: Community Resource Center is offering Strategic Planning | Colorado Springs, CO. Provide Executive Directors and Board Members the tools and resources necessary to craft a compelling and relevant strategic plan that is practical, measurable, and can be implemented without the cost of hiring an outside consultant. Join the Community Resource Center for a comprehensive, 1-day strategic planning workshop and learn the various processes that will engage board and staff in identifying the priorities of your organization and providing a roadmap for successfully meeting mission. Participants will learn about a streamlined strategic thinking and planning process and walk away with greater clarity on mission, goals, opportunities, and specific actions and next steps to move forward. See a list of training topics and register HERE.

FEBRUARY 11th, 2020: Community Resource Center is offering Strategic Planning | Durango, CO. Provide Executive Directors and Board Members the tools and resources necessary to craft a compelling and relevant strategic plan that is practical, measurable, and can be implemented without the cost of hiring an outside consultant. Join the Community Resource Center for a comprehensive, 1-day strategic planning workshop and learn the various processes that will engage board and staff in identifying the priorities of your organization and providing a roadmap for successfully meeting mission. Participants will learn about a streamlined strategic thinking and planning process and walk away with greater clarity on mission, goals, opportunities, and specific actions and next steps to move forward. See a list of training topics and register HERE.

FEBRUARY 12th, 2020: Hemp - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | Adams County Fairgrounds. Free to the public! Lunch provided. Coffee and donuts at 8:30 a.m. Speakers begin at 9:00 a.m. Agenda coming soon! This workshop will cover everything from how to grow it, problems producers are facing, seed certification, regulations from the state and USDA, and Q&A panels with producers, industry professionals, and regulatory professionals. Please RSVP to

MARCH 24th & 25th, 2020: Water Education Colorado’s Water Educator Symposium & Project WET Workshop. The annual symposium includes training and professional development as well as a time for educators around the state to gather, share best practices, learn from each other and problem-solve to overcome challenges in water education. Educators, water professionals and decision-makers are encouraged to attend. In the workshop, facilitators will model four activities and participants plan and teach a lesson to peers and receive feedback from workshop facilitators.  Participants who successfully complete the training receive a Project WET Educator certification and Project WET Curriculum Guide 2.0. Find out details and register HERE.

APRIL 6th-9th, 2020: After the Flames Workshop and Conference. Granlibakken Tahoe, California. Experts warn that year-round fire season is the new normal. Wildfire is no longer "if" it will occur, but rather "when." The impacts of a wildfire last long after the flames are extinguished. Community leaders, agency representatives, property owners, and anyone impacted by wildfire are invited to join this interactive workshop and conference featuring recovery experts and agencies engaging After the Flames. Click HERE for more information.

Online Courses Available Through Colorado Rural Water Association. Industry studies have shown employee-training budgets for most water and wastewater utilities are tighter than ever. Web-based operator certification and license renewal training provides employers and their employees the flexibility of taking training courses at their own pace without the hassle and cost of attending live classes. Check them out HERE.

Job Announcements Late January

Northern Water seeks an experienced and versatile Senior Water Quality Engineer to lead advanced water quality modeling and analysis of lentic and lotic environments.  The candidate will evaluate pollutant sources to aquatic systems and response variables in these environments and will develop mitigation strategies.  The Senior Water Quality Engineer will serve as the subject matter expert for water quality modeling, analysis and water/wastewater treatment technologies. This position will serve as the lead on diverse and complex engineering projects and will coordinate the work of and mentor other water quality engineers. This position will collaborate with a talented team of water quality engineers, scientists and biologist to ensure the preservation of high-quality water supplies across Colorado’s Front Range. The Water Quality Program relies on the best science available, extensive and high- quality data collection, and a collaborative and transparent approach. Northern Water is an equal opportunity employer. Submit a resume and cover letter by January 20th, 2020. See the job posting HERE.

Northern Water seeks a skilled Water Quality Engineer to conduct water quality of multiple lakes and reservoirs of Northern Water’s collection and distribution system and to manage water quality projects.  A successful candidate will bring skills for big data management and analysis and a willingness to learn complex modeling techniques. This position offers the opportunity to work on diverse projects, both in a technical capacity and as a project lead, interfacing with stakeholders and partners.  The Water Quality Engineer will work with a large stakeholders’ group to develop and implement management/mitigation strategies to improve water quality for the benefit of drinking water, recreation, and aquatic life.  This position will collaborate with a talented team of water quality engineers, scientists and biologist to ensure the preservation high quality water supplies across Colorado’s Front Range. Our Water Quality Program relies on the best science available, extensive and high-quality data collection, and a collaborative and transparent approach. Northern Water is an equal opportunity employer. Submit a resume and cover letter by January 20th, 2020. See the job posting HERE.

Northern Water seeks a motivated entry level Associate Water Quality Engineer to assist with various water quality data management, analysis and modeling projects.  This role supports advanced water quality modeling and analysis of lotic and lentic systems.  The Associate Water Quality Engineer will interface with monitoring program development to ensure data quality for modeling and analysis and will help with reporting and preparing data compilations and graphical analyses. This position offers the opportunity to work on a diversity of projects and to develop a broad technical skillset while working along senior engineers. A successful candidate will demonstrate eagerness to learn and to work collaboratively within a talented team of water quality engineers, scientists and biologist to ensure the preservation high quality water supplies across Colorado’s Front Range. Our Water Quality Program relies on the best science available, extensive and high-quality data collection, and a collaborative and transparent approach. Northern Water is an equal opportunity employer. Submit a resume and cover letter by January 20th, 2020. See the job posting HERE.

Northern Water is seeking an Environmental Compliance Specialist. Job duties for this position are widely varied and include responsibilities for planning, permitting, and compliance for environmental aspects of existing water storage and delivery facility projects. This position is part of our growing and dynamic Environmental Services Division and works cross-functionally with other teams and departments throughout the organization to ensure environmental compliance of our operations and maintenance activities, as well as tracking and coordination of long-term environmental commitments associated with new water supply projects. The Environmental Compliance Specialist will also provide strategic advice for the organization on environmental compliance matters. The Environmental Compliance Specialist will work collaboratively to provide environmental compliance support to other staff and will foster effective relationships with outside regulatory agencies, partners and stakeholders. This position calls for a self-motivated individual with outstanding organizational skills that works equally well autonomously and in a team environment. Submit a resume and cover letter by January 30th, 2020. See the job announcement HERE.

Colorado Water Trust is looking for a Spring Communications and Development Intern! The Communications and Development Intern will work closely with the Development Associate to ensure the Colorado Water Trust community is engaged and informed about their work. S/he will be responsible for creating social media and newsletter content, assisting with donor management, and supporting the planning and implementation of events. Apply by January 31st! See the full job description HERE.

The Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS) Natural Resources team is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for two limited-term Natural Resources Technicians to support our forest management program. The ideal candidate will have an educational background in natural resource management, some previous forest management experience that includes chainsaw operation, and a willingness to work safely as part of a team. The position closes on February 5th, 2020. Click HERE for the announcement.

The City of Fort Collins is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for a full-time Environmental Planner position in the Community, Development and Neighborhood Services Department. The Environmental Planner reviews development proposals and conducts inspections of development sites to ensure adherence of local, state and federal environmental protection standards and assists in the development and implementation of new environmental policies and regulations. The application deadline is February 7th, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. The direct link to the job posting is HERE.

The Yampa-White-Green Basin Roundtable is currently accepting proposals for technical services to assist with assessment of environmental and physical conditions. The basin roundtable (BRT) is interested in characterizing trends in ecosystem variables such as fisheries health, hydrology, geomorphology, and riparian condition. It also seeks to document the delivery of community goods and services such as adequate irrigation water, flood attenuation, and irrigation structure integrity. Additionally, the BRT values how these trends fit into the context of population growth, land use changes in the river corridor, and present and future climate conditions. Work covered through this RFP will consist of a desktop assessment of four planning segments, with an emphasis on developing geomorphic, hydrologic, and ecological context for the planning effort. Once the data conditions assessment is completed, the contractor will also be responsible for highlighting data gaps evident through the assessment, recommending methods to fill those data gaps, and helping the Integrated Watershed Managemewnt Plan (IWMP) Committee prioritize future work. The deadline for submittals is February 10th, 2020. Read the full request for proposals HERE.

TeamWorks is a conservation-based youth employment program that brings together a mix of young people (ages 16-20) from urban and rural areas to work side by side on crews. As an organization, their goal is to attract and hire underrepresented youth who would not ordinarily have the opportunity to work on a conservation crew.  Crews collaborate with a variety of project partners in the Front Range of Colorado, and have the chance to work with both public land managers as well as non-profit organizations. Teamworks fosters a work environment that is equally fun and supportive, and many of our youth return to work for the program year after year, building solid relationships with one another, their crew leaders, our organization, and the lands they work on. The season runs May through August. To learn more information, click HERE.

Colorado Spring Utilities is looking for a Forest Management Program Administrator Working alongside their current Forest Management Program Administrator, you will have the unique opportunity for an in-depth, on-going, knowledge transfer of the intricacies of this job.  They will work beside you to bridge relationships and strengthen knowledge and skills, to ensure that the programs they’ve invested in together with their community and strategic partners continues moving forward. Click HERE to apply.

Denver Parks and Recreation’s Planning, Design and Construction Division is excited to announce the launch of its new Resiliency Program and is looking to hire a Senior Natural Resources Planner. This position will assist in leading exciting changes for Denver Parks and Recreation through advancing the goals of The Game Plan for a Healthy City and leading projects that benefit local communities. Click HERE to apply.

Jefferson County is looking for a Project Manager to work with their Open Space Division. This person will be collaborating with other team members. The Project Manager is someone who has experience in engineering, construction, and architecture. We are looking for someone who is dynamic, independent, mission oriented, and a team player. The ideal candidate will be someone who has experience in civil design, construction and someone who has proven prior experience handling complex projects. Click HERE to apply.

Dominion Water & Sanitation District seeks a Water Resource Analyst in Greenwood Village, CO. Under direction of the General Manager, this position is responsible for providing engineering support and analysis for Dominion Water & Sanitation District focusing on planning and operational modeling, water resources planning, and water quality modeling and analysis. Current registration as a professional engineer in the State of Colorado is desired. Learn more HERE.

Aurora Water is looking to hire a GIS Intern. Aurora Water is responsible for the operation and maintenance of drinking water, sewer and storm drainage systems, treatment and non-potable reclaimed wastewater for irrigation, and water conservation, acquisition and development. Primary responsibilities will include: Compile information for data requests, reports, summaries, etc, assist with updating utility extension agreement records and documentation, execute Map Requests, assist with field data collection, create new GIS data from plans, field information, research, or other various sources. No Closing Date. For more information contact Doug Rulison at and visit HERE.

ICON Engineering is one of Denver’s most reputable planning, design, and project management civil engineering firms. They offer engineering services for stormwater management, stream restoration, flood mitigation, drainage, parks and trails. Visit their website HERE. ICON Engineering is currently looking for:

Farnsworth Group, Inc. is seeking a Professional Land Surveyor in Colorado Springs, CO. Qualified candidates will conduct and perform Boundary and Topographical Surveys, Construction Layouts, Subdivision Plats, Right of Way Plans and ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys. This position will include a combination of office and field work if needed and may require some travel. Please apply HERE.

Highlands Ranch Metro District is currently accepting applications for a Lead Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator. The employee performs a variety of skilled and semi-skilled tasks, which result in the efficient and effective operation of water and wastewater treatment facilities and systems. Supervises the operations staff to ensure compliance with State and Federal Regulations. Interfaces with other departments and sections to assure coordination of activities. Find out more details HERE.

Leonard Rice Engineers, Inc. is currently seeking applicants for a Senior-Level Water Resources Engineer, specializing in Water Rights. The successful candidate will be responsible for completing tasks including water resources data collection, water use demand forecasting and planning, water rights analysis, and river basin modeling. For more information and how to apply click HERE.

Leonard Rice Engineers, Inc. is also seeking applicants for a Water Resources Permitting Senior Project Manager. If you thrive on understanding and implementing complex water-related projects, applying watershed science, navigating environmental regulations, and developing dynamic partnerships, this is the position for you! The ideal candidate will have a Master’s degree in watershed science, engineering, natural resources, or a similar field of study. A Bachelor’s degree is required. Highly-qualified candidates will have 10-15 or more years of experience. For more information, click HERE.

Conferences & Events Late January

JANUARY 21st, 2020: ULI Colorado: Denver Climate Action Plan: Influence the Future | Denver, CO. Join them for this event engaging ULI members on the topic of local climate change initiatives, especially regarding Denver's new Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency. Currently, the City and County of Denver are reaching out to stakeholders about methods and means for implementing climate action plans. During the event, you’ll hear about national trends in municipal climate action initiatives and about the local process so far. Following the panel on potential regulations, logistics, benefits, alternatives, and financing, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on how to influence the future of the Denver region. Come learn what this means for ULI's members and the greater community. Click HERE to register.

JANUARY 23rd-MARCH 26th, 2020: GOCO's 2020 Strategic Plan Listening Tour. Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) is in the process of building a new strategic plan for the next five or more years. Staff and board members are traveling to 13 communities across Colorado to solicit input on a draft strategic direction, and you’re invited to weigh in. The team will share thoughts related to community vitality, equitable access to the outdoors, resource conservation, outdoor stewardship, youth connections to the outdoors, and more. As always, your feedback will help shape the organization’s future programs. View the full schedule of open house events on the GOCO blog, and be sure to RSVP for your local event. You’ll also find info about an interactive webinar on March 3rd from 2:00-3:00 p.m. in case you can’t make it to an in-person event.

JANUARY 29th-31st, 2020: Water Congress Convention at The Westin Westminster. Highlights of the Annual Convention include: Keynote presentations, unique workshops, POND reception, ​fresh local food from Colorado Water Congress members, and opportunities to earn CLE credits! Registration is available HERE.

FEBRUARY 4th-6th, 2020: Riparian Restoration Conference at Colorado Mesa University- Grand Junction. Hosted in partnership with the Ruth Hutchins Water Center at Colorado Mesa University, the RRC will feature concurrent sessions that cover both research and management topics related to riparian restoration and ecosystem health, with ample opportunities for networking with professionals in the riparian restoration field. Find out more and register HERE

FEBRUARY 6th-7th, 2020: APWA Colorado Chapter 2020 Construction Inspection Conference. Please join the APWA Colorado Chapter for the Annual Construction Inspection Conference on February 6 & 7, 2020 at the University of Colorado South Denver (formerly The Wildlife Experience) at 10035 S. Peoria Street, Parker, Colorado 80134. Details can be obtained from the attached registration summary. The cost for the conference is $225 for two days and includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Conference Registration Deadline: Thursday, January 30th, 2020. For more information click HERE.

FEBRUARY 28th, 2020: CoorsTek Denver Metro Regional Science & Engineering Fair. Since 1963, DMRSEF has provided area middle school and high school students an outlet to engage their scientific interests and an opportunity to share their work with local STEM professionals. Volunteer to support the next generation of scientists and engineers! Partial and full-day shifts are available February 27th - March 1st, 2020. Click HERE to be a judge, or click HERE to register as a volunteer. 

FEBRUARY 28th, 2020: The Poudre River Forum, an initiative of the Poudre Runs Through It Study/Action Work Group (PRTI), brings together those on the Poudre who farm, deliver clean potable water, drink beer, recreate, and advocate for river health to learn from one another and to explore how we can move from conflict to collaboration. Join them for this year’s event to engage with other Poudre River enthusiasts. Click HERE to register!

MARCH 5th, 2020: Colorado Trout Unlimited’s 2020 Stewardship Gala. This annual gathering at Mile High Station in Denver is a fun evening of food and drink and raising funds for Colorado TU’s conservation work around our beautiful state! Celebrate Colorado’s rivers and fisheries and honor Jeff Shoemaker as CTU’s 2020 River Stewardship Award winner! Learn more HERE.

MARCH 10th-12th, 2020: WCCN’s Inaugural Confluence 2020. Members of community-based collaborative conservation groups will gather from across the west to connect, convene, and catalyze. Consider a vendor table and or a sponsorship. You may want to fund CBCC leader travel and speaker travel. For more information click HERE. Register online HERE.

MARCH 24th & 25th, 2020: Water Education Colorado’s Water Educator Symposium & Project WET Workshop. The annual symposium includes training and professional development as well as a time for educators around the state to gather, share best practices, learn from each other and problem-solve to overcome challenges in water education. Educators, water professionals and decision-makers are encouraged to attend. In the workshop, facilitators will model four activities and participants plan and teach a lesson to peers and receive feedback from workshop facilitators.  Participants who successfully complete the training receive a Project WET Educator certification and Project WET Curriculum Guide 2.0. Find out details and register HERE.

APRIL 6th-9th, 2020: After the Flames Workshop and Conference. Granlibakken Tahoe, California. Experts warn that year-round fire season is the new normal. Wildfire is no longer "if" it will occur, but rather "when." The impacts of a wildfire last long after the flames are extinguished. Community leaders, agency representatives, property owners, and anyone impacted by wildfire are invited to join this interactive workshop and conference featuring recovery experts and agencies engaging After the Flames. Click HERE for more information.

APRIL 14th-17th, 2020: National Watershed and Stormwater Conference | Austin, TX. Join the Center for Watershed Protection! Their annual conference serves as an important forum for watershed and stormwater professionals to learn about innovative restoration approaches from experts, to build partnerships, and to share best practices. Pre-conference workshops will take place on April 14th, 2020. Find out more about the conference HERE.

APRIL 17th, 2020: Water Law Review Symposium | Denver, CO. The 2020 Water Law Review Symposium will discuss how water law and policy can be created and implemented to ensure all people have a meaningful contribution to the decision-making process regarding where water is sourced from, how it is allocated, and how it is used, while maintaining a healthy ecosystem in the process. To register for the event, click HERE.

APRIL 23rd-24th, 2020: Arkansas River Basin Water Forum: “The Vision of Water 20/20” | Salida, CO. To know water is to better understand our state. Since 1995, the Arkansas River Basin Water Forum has provided a friendly, constructive medium where individuals and organizations are able to explain their views and engage in open dialogue with other water users. To stay informed about the forum, click HERE.

JUNE 2nd & 3rd, 2020: Lower Arkansas River Basin Tour. Each year, these fun and informative multi-day tours draw attendees statewide. Water Education Colorado takes lawmakers, water managers, attorneys, engineers and members of the public on a tour of a different river basin in Colorado to learn about the history, water-management practices and challenges of the area. Participants can also take part in extra-curricular activities, such as rafting or fly-fishing, dine at area ranches or open-space parks, and network among peers. More details and registration are coming soon HERE!

SEPTEMBER 8th-11th, 2020: ESRI Water GIS Conference | Chicago, IL.  The 2020 Esri Water GIS Conference is scheduled, and planning has begun! Join them for all-new updates in GIS technology and a conference experience designed just for water industry professionals. You'll learn about new GIS solutions for water organizations, get hands-on training from Esri experts, network with other water professionals, and leave with the tools you need to enable digital transformation at your business. Find out more information, HERE.

Announcements Late January

Colorado Voters Approve Proposition DD, Supporting the Colorado Water Plan Future. Proposition DD - included on the November ballot - was officially approved by Colorado voters. The measure legalizes sports betting in the state, and creates a 10% tax on sports betting revenue  that will help support the Colorado Water Plan grant program. In the future, this more permanent funding source will assist in bringing the Water Plan closer to its full potential by allowing the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) to increase the number of grants awarded to Water Plan projects. The next Water Plan grant application deadline is February 1st, 2020.

FEBRUARY 12th, 2020: Big River Committee Meeting will be 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. concluding with lunch. The meeting will be held at the O.P. Bar and Grill in Craig.

Watershed Wildlife Protection Group has posted their 2020 group meetings dates. To find the dates, times and location click HERE.

It Could Be Your Rooftop! Is your facility struggling with zinc in its stormwater discharge even after implementing BMPs? A hidden source of zinc could be your roofing materials or galvanized roof equipment. Learn more about StormwateRx’s Zinc-B-Gone® line of stormwater filters HERE.

Egret Marsh Stormwater Park in Florida overlaps Municipal & Industrial (city & factory) filtration of water with Environmental habitat rebuilding. These multi-use structures are all the rage. Bioengineering with algae?! Watch the video HERE! Alexis Peralta notes, Colorado has harsher winters than this brackish ecosystem.

Colorado River District works every day to secure water supplies for agricultural, industrial, and municipal uses on the Western Slope. From the jagged peaks of the Continental Divide to the red rock canyons of the Colorado Plateau, and from the twists of the Uncompahgre River to the turns of the Yampa River, the Colorado River District contains the headwaters of one of our nation’s most important watersheds: the Colorado River. Watch and Share their video to spread the word.

Friends of the Lower Blue River is proud to announce the launch of their online guide to the history of the Lower Blue River Valley. With a click on the website or a swipe with your thumb on your device, you will be transported to key points of interest and their historical relevance from Summit to Grand County. This project was made possible by grant support from the Summit Foundation. To check out the LBR history guide, click HERE.

Learn About Methods for Stream Management Planning at CWCB’s and River Network’s New Resource Library! Just like individuals, each Stream Management Plan (SMP) is unique. The people and the location greatly influence their goals and activities.  But there is also a common blueprint, documented at CWCB and River Network’s SMP Resource Library. For each step in the planning process, it presents examples, best practices, online resources, and methods to consider.  The goal of the SMP Resource Library is to enlarge the pipeline of local coalitions that are interested, ready, and capable of undertaking Stream Management Plans, as well as advance the state of knowledge around how to craft effective and implementable SMPs. Resource Library case studies will be updated annually as SMPs progress.  Experts in the different assessment areas (hydrology, water quality, recreation, riparian habitat, etc.) are encouraged to submit their ideas and feedback so it can continue to grow and improve. Click HERE to visit.