Announcements Early September

River Network is looking for workshop proposals that include a combination of instruction and interactive training, that leverage lessons learned and proven approaches, and involve engaging speakers. We seek to accelerate the pace of progress toward a sustainable and equitable water future through River Rally’s learning opportunities. The deadline for all workshop proposals is September 30th. Workshops will be selected by October 31st, 2020, with final confirmations by all speakers completed by or before November 15th, 2020. Please review the guidelines and instructions below and consider submitting a workshop proposal for River Rally 2021. Click HERE for more information.

Each year, up to five individuals are selected as River Heroes and are honored and celebrated at River Rally. Awardees are exceptional due to their significant and extraordinary work related to river conservation and/or water advocacy. Their achievements relate to the key issues fundamental to solving today’s water crisis and expanding our understanding of the evolving social context of water.Submit your nomination materials through the online nomination form before October 30th, 2020.

A newly completed multi-year construction project now lets both boaters and fish travel the Arkansas River from Leadville to Cañon City. Read more in Colorado Outdoors.

After careful consideration of current spearfishing regulations and a large volume of email, phone calls and public meeting comments, Colorado Parks and Wildlife aquatic biologists have opted to maintain the state's current spearfishing regulations. No proposed changes to the existing regulations will be moved forward to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission at this time. For more information visit HERE.

Upper Colorado River Watershed Update. August 2020

US Water Prize for Outstanding Public Sector Organization: Denver Water. Click HERE to read the full article.

Crop Residue Management and Water | Colorado Ag Water Alliance | Webinar. Watch the recent webinar with CSU's Joel Schneekloth on crop residue management HERE.

The Middle Colorado Watershed Council had their live version of the Wild & Scenic Film Festival hijacked by COVID-19 last spring, but it is back! The digital film fest will be shown Sept. 17th, and anyone anywhere can join. These shows are historic sell outs. Watch for more details.

Arapahoe County Open Spaces wants to hear what you think of their parks, trails and open spaces as part of their Master Plan update. Download their new #YouthACOS adventure workbook today! It’s loaded with activities, from writing prompts to photography tips and a call for photos. The workbook is geared toward kids ages 7-12, but kids of all ages will find it fun! Please submit your completed workbook and photos by August 31st for a chance to be featured online. For questions or to request hardcopies, please contact

Check out this virtual tour of Colorado Water Trust’s Hat Creek project by Tony LaGreca! Hat Creek is home to native Colorado Cutthroat Trout and a sport fishery. Click HERE to view the video. Click HERE for more information about the project on their website.

Prescott Creeks has extended its lease for Watson Woods Riparian Preserve with the City of Prescott to the year 2045! The original lease had a 25-year term that matured on July 27th, 2020. The lease had a provision to extend for an additional 25-year term, thus continuing the collaborative effort between the City of Prescott and Prescott Creeks to protect the rare cottonwood/willow riparian forest found there. Read more about Watson Woods Riparian Preserve.

Colorado Water Conservation Board has released the first draft report summarizing the past year of its Demand Management Feasibility Investigation. The draft report is available online along with a survey for public comment, which will remain open until August 28th, 2020. Colorado Water Conservation Board will also be hosting a virtual public workshop on August 26th to walk through report highlights, present next steps, and answer questions. Learn More HERE!

The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) received a water court decree for an instream flow water right on Himes Creek, located in San Juan National Forest, to protect a rare population of Colorado River cutthroat trout… Read More

Learn how the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program conserves targeted species on CWCB’s new podcast series. Now available on YouTube.

Cherry Creek State Park is experiencing natural algae blooms that may be harmful to dogs and humans as a result of a number of things including warmer temperatures, stagnant waters, and nutrient loading from fertilized lawns. The park has closed the swim area due to elevated levels of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) growth. To read CPW’s full article, click HERE.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is encouraging trout anglers statewide to consider fishing early in the day and in higher altitude lakes and streams as hot, dry conditions and reduced water levels may increase stress to trout populations. To read the full article click HERE.

Read Water Education Colorado’s Headwaters Summer Issue: Keeping Up With Aging Infrastructure HERE.

Congress passed the Great American Outdoors Act and approved $900 million of annual funds for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to ensure necessary investments are allocated to protect irreplaceable lands and outdoor recreation opportunities in every state. This historic legislation will help direct funds to maintenance projects in Colorado to conserve public lands, waterways, and wildlife habitat for future generations to enjoy. 

Check out the Upper Colorado River Watershed Group’s July Watershed Snapshot: High Temperatures and Fish Stress HERE.

Colorado is home to a large population of black bears, with numbers estimated at 17,000-20,000 in the state. As humans venture into Colorado’s great outdoors to spend quality time in nature, it is important to remember that bears and humans can and do live in harmony in our shared outdoor spaces when humans take proactive steps to avoid conflicts with bears. For Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s great article on how to keep safe and what measures to take this season, click HERE.

WaterNow Alliance is conducting a survey of municipal decision-makers, managers and water utility staff on key water supply issues facing Colorado’s communities. Your input is important to their work and you are encouraged to participate. WaterNow Alliance is a nonprofit network of local water leaders supporting sustainable, affordable, and climate resilient water solutions with a special focus on Colorado. This survey is intended to help them better understand your water supply priorities and interests and the potential for implementing ATMs in Colorado. If you are not familiar with ATMs, please don’t let that prevent you from taking the survey – that’s exactly the type of information they’re looking for! To participate click HERE.

The Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA) announced its slate of new and re-elected members of its Citizen Task Force (CTF), a 16-member panel that advises Colorado Parks and Wildlife on management issues in the upper Arkansas River valley. Read the full Colorado Parks and Wildlife article HERE.

In the closing hours of the 2020 legislative session, Colorado legislators approved $1 million to support efforts to develop Colorado’s next new state park around iconic Fishers Peak near Trinidad. Read the full Colorado Parks and Wildlife article HERE.

Funding Opportunities Early September

The Metro Roundtable is seeking proposals for its Water Supply Reserve Fund Basin Grants. A one-page description of the proposal is due September 15th, 2020, and full applications are due November 1st. Please click HERE for more information and application guidelines. Questions and submittals can be directed to Emily Hunt at

Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) and the Colorado Youth Corps Association (CYCA) are pleased to announce the release of the 2021 Conservation Service Corps grant cycle with up to $1 million in funding for outdoor recreation, stewardship, and restoration projects completed by conservation service corps members. The goal of these funds is to employ youth and young adults (ages 14-25) throughout the state on critical outdoor recreation and natural resource stewardship projects using the network of conservation service corps accredited by CYCA. Applicants must submit applications to CYCA no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 17th, 2020. For more information click HERE.

The Colorado State Trails Program is pleased to announce the opening of the 2021 Non-Motorized Grant Cycle. Grants will be focused on construction, maintenance, planning/support. The grant cycle is now open through October 1st, 2020.

Are you interested in learning more about Colorado's State Revolving Fund, a low-interest loan program for water and wastewater infrastructure? In lieu of the annual in-person training, three webinars are being offered that review the basics of the SRF program. Each session will include a 45-60 minute presentation and approximately 30 minutes for Q&A. Attendance is FREE. Please RSVP here to receive the webinar link and call in information.

  • SRF 101- Financial Benefits of the SRF Program | October 6th, 2020 1:00-2:30 p.m.

  • SRF 101- The Process & Program Requirements | October 13th, 2020 1:00-2:30 p.m.

  • SRF 101- The Regulations | October 20th, 2020 1:00-2:30 p.m.

In response to the impacts of COVID-19, GOCO has launched the Resilient Communities Program (RCP). The $15 million program aims to fund one-time, immediate needs or opportunities that have emerged in direct response to the pandemic. It will help partners advance outdoor recreation, stewardship, and land protection projects in a manner that best reflects community needs and priorities at this moment in time. Capacity and operations support, stewardship efforts, projects that support community vitality, and urgent and emergent land acquisition opportunities will be considered. For more information, including eligibility criteria and application forms, please visit the RCP page.

USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) offers financial and technical assistance to farmers and private landowners through the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) to create, restore, and enhance wetlands. Click HERE for more information.

The Geospatial Experience Center (GeoEx) at Front Range Community College was created to give students the opportunity to take on GIS projects and gain experience to prepare them for the workforce. GeoEx is funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF), Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grant. GeoEx can take on various project types, from digitizing to lidar analysis. Projects GeoEx can take are only limited by the experience of students and their availability. Projects can be completed at your location, the students’ home, or at school. For all projects GeoEx will ensure students can use their experience to further their careers. Students must be able to use what they work on with you in their portfolio. If sensitive data is involved, the student can create mock data to represent the original.  If you would like to ensure your project is a good fit for our students, become involved in FRCC activities, or have other questions, email GeoEx at Initiate a project HERE.

Service Objects, a company specializing in contact validation services, offers an in-kind grant program for organizations working to encourage environmental leadership and conservation. The goal for creating this unique program is to inspire and assist non-profit organizations that are working to promote environmental health, economic vitality, informed land-use decisions and sound management of our planet's natural resources.Grants of up to $2,500 will be awarded on an individual basis. Programs that may qualify for the grant include those that aim to reduce waste or assist in the aftermath of natural disasters. More information about the grant can be found HERE.

Colorado River Network offers funding from the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank. Are you planning, designing, or implementing on-the-ground restoration projects that will restore river flows and/or recharge ground water? Would you like the opportunity to share your projects with businesses who may be interested in providing support for your projects? If the answer is “Yes!” be sure to check out the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank, a new opportunity for paid members of River Network to use a national platform to attract funding.

US Department of Agriculture Rural Development Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program. This program provides funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas. The program is currently accepting applications. Full details, including requirements and guidance, can be found HERE. 

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Water Quality Planning Design and Engineering Grants provide money to small communities to help cover costs associated with the State Revolving Fund pre-application requirements. Grants require a 20% match from the applicant. Planning grant applicants must complete the pre-qualification form and attend a pre-application meeting. Design and engineering grant applicants will be considered by project needs assessment submissions by approved disadvantaged communities. For more information click HERE.

The Colorado Water Conservation Board Water Supply Reserve Fund (WSRF) Program provides grants and loans to assist Colorado water users in addressing their critical water supply issues and interests. The funds help eligible entities complete water activities, which may include competitive grants for: Technical assistance regarding permitting, feasibility studies and environmental compliance; Studies or analysis of structural, nonstructural consumptive and nonconsumptive water needs, projects or activities; and structural and nonstructural water projects or activities. Basin Account application timelines vary by basin. Statewide Account applications are brought before the board in March and September. For more information click HERE.

Colorado Emergency Drought Response Program.-The Program provides up to $1 million annually, in the form of loans or grants, for emergency drought-related water augmentation purposes to Colorado’s agricultural water users. For more information click HERE.

The Colorado Water Conservation Board offers numerous loans and grants to water providers and other entities statewide for a variety of water-related projects, studies, planning documents, awareness campaigns and other activities. Click HERE to find out more about the CWCB’s funding programs.

The Environmental Protection Agency Water Finance Clearinghouse has access to hundreds of water funding opportunities that can be found HERE.

Trainings & Workshops Early September

Are you looking for new opportunities and activities to engage learners outdoors? Get a flavor of what Project Learning Tree has to offer at these introductory workshops. Connect in a live Zoom session with PLT facilitators to explore the PLT program, engage in hands-on activities and learn about PLT resources for virtual and remote learning. You will receive an activity you can complete with your students and get a preview of upcoming, full-length, virtual PLT workshops in October. Registration is provided at no cost to participants thanks to grant funding from ee360. Reserve your spot today!

OCTOBER 13th, 2020: “Main Steps and Considerations for Developing Stream Restoration that will be Viable in the Long Run” | Rivers Edge West | Webinar | 11:00 a.m. Successful riparian restoration hinges on understanding the stream corridor, which consists of three main elements: stream channel (aquatic zone), floodplain (riparian zone), and transitional upland zone. As part of this live webinar, Mark will introduce the guidebook, its diverse authors, case studies, and review the main steps and considerations for successfully restoring damaged stream ecosystems, including the riparian zone. For more information click HERE.

OCTOBER 27th, 2020: “Adapting Your Stream Restoration Project to Climate Change” | Rivers Edge West | Webinar | 11:00 a.m. Climate change is real, occurring rapidly, and has to be taken into account when developing stream restoration. As the second part of this two-part webinar series on stream restoration, Mark Briggs (Restoration Coordinator, RiversEdge West) will discuss climate change issues and strategies that stream practitioners can use to improve the likelihood of restoration success in the context of a rapidly changing climate. For more information click HERE.

Crop Residue Management and Water | Colorado Ag Water Alliance | Webinar. Watch the recent webinar with CSU's Joel Schneekloth on crop residue management HERE.

The American Stormwater Institute, LLC now offers courses in a live setting and online that deal with developing the knowledge and skills required to conduct stormwater inspections. Our courses are based on a “Real World” attitude of finding implementable solutions to the challenges that stormwater inspectors face every day. The state and federal regulations require that “QUALIFIED PERSONS” conduct inspections related to stormwater permits. The overarching goal of the ASI classes is to ensure that our students are well qualified to conduct these inspections. For a list of all classes offered click HERE.

“We Can Make A Lot Happen When We Have A Plan” | American Rivers | Podcast. Learn more about Colorado's Stream Management Plans, an innovative planning tool prioritized in Colorado’s Water Plan, from people working with stakeholder groups and communities across Colorado to put them in place. Listen to the full podcast on Soundcloud HERE.

Returning Rapids Project: A discussion with Peter Lefebvre and Mike DeHoff | Colorado River Studies. The Returning Rapids Project seeks to document the recovery of river resources once inundated by a full Lake Powell, and now being exposed as reservoir storage declines. Peter Lefebvre and Mike DeHoff, principal investigators of the Returning Rapids project and professional river guides in Moab, Utah, are working to record these changes. They will share their preliminary findings and matched photographs in the talk. Watch the full video HERE.

Webinar: History, Release, and Spread of the Tamarisk Beetle | Rivers Edge West. Hear from Ben Bloodworth, the Tamarisk Beetle Program Coordinator for RiversEdge West, as he discusses the history, release, and spread of the tamarisk beetle. Click HERE to watch the full video now.

The Society of Outdoor Recreational Professionals opened recent, relevant past webinars and made those available to all for free during this challenging time. Some of the recent topics include inclusivity in the outdoor recreation community, strategies to influence visitor behavior, visitor use management, partnerships, effects of climate change on outdoor recreation, monitoring, and many more. This is an opportunity to keep your skills sharp and view a webinar that you may not have had time for previously. Access recent, free SORP webinars HERE.

Water & Wastewater Online Training. With TargetSolutions, water agencies can cost-effectively deliver quality courses to employees designed to increase safety comprehension, achieve compliance and decrease claims. Staying compliant with mandated training and continuing education requirements is critical. TargetSolutions comprehensive catalog offers online, state-approved water and wastewater continuing education. See the course catalog HERE.

Online Courses Available Through Colorado Rural Water Association. Industry studies have shown employee-training budgets for most water and wastewater utilities are tighter than ever. Web-based operator certification and license renewal training provides employers and their employees the flexibility of taking training courses at their own pace without the hassle and cost of attending live classes. Check them out HERE.

Job Announcements Early September

The Southwestern Water Conservation District (“District”), based in Durango, Colorado, is seeking candidates for the General Manager position. The District was created by Colorado statute in 1941 to lead in the protection, conservation, use and development of the water of the San Juan and Dolores River basins for the welfare of the District, and to safeguard for Colorado all waters of the basin to which the state is entitled. Applications are due by September 25th, 2020. Any questions about the position can be directed to Chris Treese at Click HERE for more information.

Stillwater Sciences seeks highly motivated junior, mid-level, and senior-level engineers to serve as a member of an interdisciplinary team working on habitat restoration planning, design, and implementation, as well as general water resources management projects, throughout California, the Pacific Northwest, and Rockies. Junior-level candidates should possess a B.S. or M.S. in engineering; Mid-level candidates should possess 3–7 years of engineering-related work experience in addition to degree; Senior-level candidates should possess 8+ years of engineering-related work experience in addition to degree. Positions will remain open until filled. For more information and how to apply, click HERE.

Denver Audubon is looking for Education Interns—dedicated, energetic, and enthusiastic individuals—to join the team of talented and experienced staff and volunteers for the winter/spring 2021! This internship will constantly adapt to meet COVID-19 guidelines per the CDC and CDPHE. Environmental education interns will be responsible for assisting with the preparation of and teaching environmental educational programs (about birds, habitats, watersheds, water quality, and conservation) for school-aged and/or high school students. The application deadline is December 11th, 2020. Please click HERE for more information.

Colorado Rural Water Association is seeking a Training Specialist/Field Supervisor in Pueblo, CO. This person will plan, conduct and supervise the training activities of the Association.  This person will on occasion travel the state providing training and technical assistance to small water and wastewater systems.  The right candidate will be a Certified Water Professional with multiple years of water and wastewater treatment experience as well distribution and collection experience. For more information click HERE.

Resource Central is seeking a Conservation Engagement Manager, Conservation Associate, and a part-time Conservation Associate in Boulder, CO. For more information click HERE.

The City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department is accepting applications for Natural Lands Outreach Volunteers. Participants in this program can volunteer to host an Outreach table to welcome and educate users at the 55th Trailhead and Coot Lake Trailhead. Or, volunteers can walk the Path that runs from Coot Lake to the North Shores of the Boulder Reservoir and record the use at these Natural Areas. These positions will both inform management decisions and teach users about this location. Volunteers are required to volunteer for 2 shifts in September. Most volunteer effort is needed Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays. For more information click HERE. To apply click HERE.

Adams County is looking to fill a brand new Senior Parks and Trails Ranger position (full-time, permanent) in Brighton, CO. This function is expected to identify and resolve problems that arise in the normal course of the work.  These efforts are to provide education, safety and well-being for those who visit and utilize the open spaces, trail system, and park facilities managed by Adams County. For more information and to apply, click HERE.

Aurora Water is looking to hire a GIS Intern. Aurora Water is responsible for the operation and maintenance of drinking water, sewer and storm drainage systems, treatment and non-potable reclaimed wastewater for irrigation, and water conservation, acquisition and development. Primary responsibilities will include: Compile information for data requests, reports, summaries, etc, assist with updating utility extension agreement records and documentation, execute Map Requests, assist with field data collection, create new GIS data from plans, field information, research, or other various sources. No Closing Date. For more information contact Doug Rulison at and visit HERE.

ICON Engineering is currently looking for a Stormwater Project Engineer / Manager & Engineer Intern. ICON Engineering is one of Denver’s most reputable planning, design, and project management civil engineering firms. They offer engineering services for stormwater management, stream restoration, flood mitigation, drainage, parks and trails. The engineer will assist in and/or manage the planning, design, and production of engineering documents for a variety of projects to include stormwater and drainage design, stream restoration, floodplain analysis, detention and water quality, roadways, parks and trails.Visit the Careers page HERE.

Farnsworth Group, Inc. is seeking a Professional Land Surveyor in Colorado Springs, CO. Qualified candidates will conduct and perform Boundary and Topographical Surveys, Construction Layouts, Subdivision Plats, Right of Way Plans and ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys. This position will include a combination of office and field work if needed and may require some travel. Please apply HERE.

Conferences & Events Early September

AUGUST 31st-SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2020: Thinking Outside the Box—A Holistic Approach to Water Resources Planning | AWRA Colorado | Virtual. Join AWRA online for their virtual symposium! Highlights include keynote speakers, technical presentations, virtual networking, silent auction, and more! For more information and to register, click HERE.

SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2020: Conservation from the Capitol | Conservation Colorado | 6:00-7:30 p.m. Join Conservation Colorado and your elected officials to discuss the amazing conservation work they led through the State Legislature this year and how it will benefit Coloradans across the state. For more information and registration, click HERE.

SEPTEMBER 10th, 2020: Rock the River | The Greenway Foundation | Virtual. Join virtually as some of Denver's best musicians perform for one night, directly to your living room! For more information click HERE.

SEPTEMBER 11th, 2020: Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute (RMPI) Conference | Virtual. The Association of Fundraising Professionals Colorado Chapter’s annual conference is dedicated to bringing Colorado fundraising professionals and nonprofit staff together to learn, network, and rejuvenate their passion for service. This year’s conference, “We are Change Makers,” comes at a time when professional learning and collaboration is especially critical. Communities across Colorado are counting on our industry not to adapt to the next normal, but to lead the charge. By harnessing the momentum of this moment, nonprofits are poised to make systems-level change – both in the world and within our organizations. Join this immersive day of collaboration and inspiration HERE.

SEPTEMBER 11th, 18th, & 25th: Forest Fridays | San Juan Mountain Restoration | Montezuma County. San Juan Mountains Association is excited to announce a new family-friendly program in Montezuma County. Each Friday science educators will lead small groups to explore local public lands through hands-on learning. Join to experience new ways to enjoy the outdoors: track animals, explore mapping, learn to build shelters, and enjoy local natural resources. For more information click HERE.

SEPTEMBER 16th-22nd, 2020: RiverBank | Colorado Water Trust | Virtual. This annual fundraiser seeks to restore flows to Colorado’s rivers in need. It’s a fun-filled evening of food, drinks, a silent auction, and the presentation of the David Getches Flowing Waters Award. Visit the event page HERE.

SEPTEMBER 16th & 17th, 2020: Virtual Symposium on Conservation Impact | Salazar Center | Virtual. The Center’s 2020 International Symposium on Conservation Impact will highlight best-in-class examples in North American cities of enhancing natural systems to improve community health and support climate resilience. The symposium will feature a broad group of policy leaders, practitioners, and researchers who work in and around cities. They will explore efforts in the US, Canada, and Mexico to build natural solutions to support climate adaptation and resilience, and improve habitat and human connectivity in and through cities and metropolitan areas. For more information and to register, click HERE.

SEPTEMBER 17th, 2020: Wild & Scenic Film Festival | Middle Colorado Watershed Council | 6:30 p.m. The evening's exciting lineup shares 11 inspiring films from the Wild and Scenic Film Festival, plus a special guest film from the Colorado River District, one of the festival sponsors. Anyone anywhere can join the digital film fest. These shows are historic sell outs.

SEPTEMBER 17th & 18th, 2020: Colorado's 2020 Advancing Environmental Education Conference | Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education (CAEE) | Virtual. Colorado’s Advancing Environmental Education Conference is annually hosted by the CAEE, a statewide leader in environmental education since 1989. CAEE facilitates communication, coordination, resource sharing and professional development to advance environmental education among over 900 members across the state among various sectors. CAEE also advocates for increased access to environmental learning opportunities for all Colorado residents in order to increase environmental literacy in Colorado. Click HERE to register.

SEPTEMBER 18th, 2020: 22nd Annual Cherry Creek Watershed Conference. A safe, guided tour of Cherry Creek’s marvelous projects! Hike or bike for this outdoor stewardship celebration with Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority (CCBWQA), Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority (SEMSWA), and Cherry Creek Stewardship Partners. Register now HERE!

SEPTEMBER 18th, 2020: President’s Reception | Water Education Colorado | 6:00-10:00 p.m. | Virtual. Join a night of celebration, networking, and awards to honor water leadership and raise money for Water Education Colorado at one of the best events of the year. Enjoy a cocktail hour, seated dinner, awards presentation, and lively auction at a beautiful indoor/outdoor venue. This year's award recipients have been announced! Purchase tickets by September 10th. Click HERE to get tickets.

SEPTEMBER 18th-20th, 2020: Colorado Native Plant Society Virtual Annual Meeting: Peaks to Prairies—Plants in a Land of Extremes. Register by Sept 5th and be entered to win 1 of 3 FREE CoNPS memberships! To read the full agenda and register, click HERE.

SEPTEMBER 21st-24th, 2020: San Juan Mining & Reclamation Conference: Adaptive Capacity in Uncertain Times | Mountain Studies Institute | Virtual. Miners and mining communities are no strangers to challenge and changing conditions. The year of 2020 has brought with it a series of challenges and opportunities. As a result, the San Juan Mining & Reclamation Conference (SJMRC) theme is “Adaptive Capacity in Uncertain Times” to encourage discussions of how the mining and reclamation community can plan for success in an uncertain world. For more information and registration, click HERE.

SEPTEMBER 23rd-25th, 2020: ESRI Water GIS Conference 2020 | Online. Discover all-new GIS solutions for the water industry, learn from Esri experts, build your professional network, and bring home new GIS skills that will make you a valuable asset at your organization. For more information click HERE.

SEPTEMBER 28th-OCTOBER 1st, 2020: 2020 Colorado Association of Stormwater and Floodplain Managers (CASFM) Annual Conference | Virtual. Please join the Rocky Mountain Region's preeminent conference for unparalleled workshops, presentations, and learning opportunities with Stormwater, Floodplain, and Water Quality professionals from across the Rocky Mountain Region. Registration is only $100. For more information click HERE.

OCTOBER 6th-8th, 2020: 15th Annual Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference: Business as (Un)Usual | Virtual and In-Person throughout CO. For 2020 we’ll be focusing on work that challenges the status quo, represents different perspectives around any given issue, or highlights new partnerships and/or business models that are helping to sustain and advance projects, programs, or even entire organizations. Sponsorship opportunities are available HERE, and visit the conference homepage HERE.

OCTOBER 28th, 2020: Water Conservation Symposium | Colorado WaterWise | Virtual. Colorado WaterWise invites you to save the date for the 12th annual conservation symposium. They are continuing to monitor the latest information related to the COVID-19 pandemic and will adhere to all regulations related to public gatherings in effect at that time. For more information on the event, click HERE.

DECEMBER 2nd-3rd, 2020: South Platte Forum. SPF may offer a condensed, online event that would still include timely speakers and topics from within the South Platte Basin. Browse the agenda topics HERE, and register early HERE before October 1st.

OCTOBER 11th-13th, 2021: Colorado Open Space Alliance Conference | Grand Hyatt in Vail.