Funding Opportunities Late January

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) works every day to build a brighter future for farmers. To support the education of today’s youth as they grow into the ag leaders of tomorrow, NCGA invites eligible students to apply for the 2023 Scholarship Programs. To apply, students or a parent/guardians must be a member of the NCGA. Past scholarship winners and employees and the families of employees of any division of BASF or their subsidiaries or the NCGA are not eligible for the scholarship. Applications are currently open, and the scholarship application deadline is Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

Apply for CO Brownfields CleanUp Grants. As a public-private partnership, the Colorado Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund encourages the cleanup of unused or underused contaminated properties by offering financing with reduced interest rates, flexible loan terms and flexibility in acceptable forms of collateral. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) seeks applications for wetland and riparian restoration, enhancement, and creation projects to support the two primary goals of its Wetlands forWildlife Program: 1. Improve the distribution and abundance of ducks, and opportunities for public 2. Improve the status of declining or at-risk species. Click here for more information. Applications are due February 6, 2023.

Water Conservation Field Services Program Financial Assistance for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023.  Development of Water Conservation Plans to meet state or local water conservation goals and water management improvements through system optimization review are supported by this grant. May 31, 2023  Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., ET,

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (department) opened the PFAS Grant Program on January 3rd, 2023. The grant program aims to help avoid future contamination and ensure safe drinking water for all Coloradans from PFAS chemicals. The department formed the PFAS Grant Program in the fall of 2021 to identify, assess, and reduce the impacts of PFAS on human health and the environment. Public water systems, local public health agencies, private well owners, tribal governments, other government entities, not-for-profit non-governmental organizations or non-profit educational institutions can apply for the grant. The deadline is March 31, 2023 and grants will be awarded by May 1, 2023, with a project start date in summer of 2023. A

Federal Technical Assistance Grants. As part of the American Rescue Plan Act, a total of $5 million in federal funding has been allocated for technical assistance grants that will enable eligible entities to work with the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) contractors or to hire contractors to expand their capacity and expertise, in pursuit of federal funding opportunities that directly support the Colorado Water Plan objectives. The allowable uses of this grant funding are broad in scope, to allow for the wide range of federal opportunities available. Funding can be used for: preliminary project planning and design, preliminary permitting, development of estimated project costs, navigation of available federal opportunities, grant writing, and federal grant application submittal. Rolling application deadline.

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs are provided to eligible applicant states/tribes/territories that, in turn, provide sub-grants to local governments. The applicant selects and prioritizes applications developed and submitted to them by local jurisdictions to submit to FEMA for grant funds. Prospective sub-applicants should consult the official designated point of contact for their applicant state/tribe/territory for further information regarding specific program and application requirements.

The Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program (COSWAP) was created after the devastating 2020 fire season by the Colorado legislature through the bi-partisan supported SB21-258 in the summer of 2021. COSWAP is designed to quickly move $17.5 million state stimulus dollars to start on-the-ground work on fuels reduction projects and increase Colorado's capacity to conduct critical forest restoration and wildfire mitigation work that will increase community resilience and protect life, property and infrastructure.

Applications are NOW OPEN for Nature in the City planning grants! Have an idea for a nature play area, outdoor gathering space, or pollinator restorations? The Dream it Up Project Planning grants can help you and your community plan out your dream project. Anyone from HOA's, faith-based organizations, affordable housing communities, and even schools are welcome and encouraged to apply. Get started!

The Colorado River District’s Community Funding Partnership was created in 2021 to fund multi-purpose water projects on the Western Slope in five project categories: productive agriculture, infrastructure, healthy rivers, watershed health and water quality, and conservation and efficiency. Funding for the program was approved by Western Colorado voters as part of ballot question 7A in November 2020. These funds provide a catalyst for projects that are priorities for residents in the District to receive matching funds from state, federal and private sources. Click here for more information and to apply.

The Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program (COSWAP) was created after the devastating 2020 fire season by the Colorado legislature through the bi-partisan supported SB21-258 in the summer of 2021. COSWAP is designed to quickly move $17.5 million state stimulus dollars to start on-the-ground work on fuels reduction projects and increase Colorado's capacity to conduct critical forest restoration and wildfire mitigation work that will increase community resilience and protect life, property and infrastructure. Learn more about these opportunities here.

HUD: Authority to Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships Notice. HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) has the authority to accept unsolicited research proposals that address current research priorities. HUD is making up to $2 million available for Lead and Healthy Homes Research Partnerships and approximately $1 million available for Research Partnerships for other topics. HUD is interested in increasing participation of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) of higher education and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in all program areas. To learn more, click here.

In response to the impacts of COVID-19, Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) has launched the Resilient Communities Program (RCP). The $15 million program aims to fund one-time, immediate needs or opportunities that have emerged in direct response to the pandemic. It will help partners advance outdoor recreation, stewardship, and land protection projects in a manner that best reflects community needs and priorities at this moment in time. Capacity and operations support, stewardship efforts, projects that support community vitality, and urgent and emergent land acquisition opportunities will be considered. For more information, including eligibility criteria and application forms, click HERE.

Colorado Water Conservation Board has compiled this database to serve as a tool for people and organizations across Colorado to navigate all available funding opportunities for water projects in a single place.

A list of state, federal and private funding available for a wide variety of wildfire mitigation projects including Watershed Health.

Announcements Late January

The Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (CWSRF and DWSRF) represent the largest source of federal funding for water infrastructure. The SRFs are intended to support communities across the country by increasing their financial capacity to take on large water infrastructure projects, addressing everything from outdated and leaking pipes to increasing the storage capacity of their water treatment plant to ensure continuous delivery of safe and clean water to their residents. In practice, however, the communities most in need of these investments often face barriers to accessing these dollars. We want to change that. Read more and access the complete SRF Advocacy Toolkit.

The WWTP Design Generator is a one-of-a-kind tool for the water and infrastructure industries. It's a highly advanced software design tool for creating engineering designs for wastewater treatment facilities. The WWTP design tool offers environmental engineers, EPC professionals, technology vendors, and utility companies preliminary designs for wastewater facilities in just 8 hours. Try the WWTP design generator for FREE and take a real-time analytical approach to choosing the best wastewater treatment plant design, as opposed to the traditional wait time of two weeks or more for each iteration.

Boulder County Parks & Open Space and the Sheriff’s Office Fire Management Program have started slash pile burning at Sherwood Gulch, one of a handful of locations planned for this winter. There are approximately 400 wood piles total for all locations. The vast majority, 300+, are at Caribou Ranch and Sherwood Gulch. There are also plans for prescribed burning at Hall Ranch. Burn window set for Jan. 3 – April 15. Burns can occur any time during the window. Learn more here.

In June 2022, CDPHE launched Colorado EnviroScreen Version 1.0. CO EnviroScreen is an interactive, bilingual, online environmental justice mapping tool. It identifies and visualizes places with environmental health disparities in Colorado. Colorado EnviroScreen is a tool for everyone. So join to learn more about how to use it! CDPHE is hosting an online Colorado EnviroScreen learning workshop for community members:

Trainings & Workshops Late January

January 23rd-24th, 2023 | Cyber Security Fundamentals for Wastewater Utilities. This online course will give organizational leaders a practical knowledge of basic security measures that can be implemented to address major cyber risks associated with the most common cyber attacks.  Water and Wastewater industry leaders attending this course will learn about the most common cyber threats, specific countermeasures that can be employed by any organization, and the role organizational culture plays in impacting risk-mitigating activities against water and wastewater facilities’ critical infrastructure.

January 23rd, 2023 | Community Wildfire Protection Plan. The Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District is excited to announce an update to their Community Wildfire Protection Plan! As part of this process, the core planning group is inviting all interested stakeholders and partners to a prioritization meeting on January 23rd, 2022 from 10AM - 12PM. Forest health and fuel mitigation practitioner feedback is critical in this process for identifying and prioritizing treatment plans and actions to reduce the risk of wildfire-related hazards. Though this meeting will be tailored toward practitioner input, future meetings will focus on collecting feedback from community members and homeowners.

February 8th, 2023 | The Upper Colorado and San Juan rivers endangered fish recovery programs, what's at stake as reauthorization looms? | WECO. These Hallmark endangered fish recovery programs are set to expire in September if Congress does not approve of their extensions. At this workshop, you’ll hear what the programs are, what they accomplish, and with reauthorization looming, how negotiations and legislation look to keep the programs running and funded.

February 16th, 2023 | Regulatory Compliance for Water and Wastewater Systems. The course will include overviews of EPA water regulations and standards, including those directly related to drinking water and wastewater quality and related areas such as treatment, chemical storage, land use, risk mitigation, and infrastructure construction. Attendees will learn about the federal regulatory determination process, environmental regulations governing utilities, compliance challenges and assistance resources, and regulatory changes and trends expected over the next several years.

May 2nd-4th, 2023 | Cross-Boundary Landscape Restoration Workshop | Colorado State University.This multi-agency and stakeholder gathering will build on the first Cross-Boundary Landscape Restoration Workshop, which took place in March 2020 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 2020 workshop directed and empowered attendees to use future workshops to address the issue of climate change on cross-boundary restoration, and innovative mechanisms for accomplishing restoration, from implementation approaches to financing options. The 2020–2022 fire years have only increased the need to broaden post-fire restoration knowledge to better align with expected ecological and social climate futures.

May 6th-7th, 2023 | Crew Leader Training | RMFI. The 2023 Pikes Peak Regional Crew Leader Training will take place Saturday, May 6th and Sunday, May 7th, 2023. Attendance during both days is required, this years training will occur on Pikes Peak - America's Mountain in the North Slope Recreation Area. Scroll down for more information. The Pikes Peak Regional Crew Leader Training is an intensive weekend-long training for experienced volunteers who are interested in becoming certified Volunteer Crew Leaders. The training is hosted in partnership by Rocky Mountain Field Institute, Trails and Open Space Coalition, and the City of Colorado Springs, Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department.

MAY 17thh-19th, 2023 | Scenario Planning for Urban Futures | University of Michigan. Scenario planning allows for forward-thinking urban plans that address external forces—such as climate change—that are not traditionally accounted for. The term refers to a family of different methods that include integrative, qualitative, and quantitative techniques tailored to different types of plans and projects. In the course, urban planning professionals will gain first-hand knowledge about scenario planning and concrete ideas for how to implement scenarios in their cities.

Colorado Water and the American West teaches students about the rich history of water in the Western United States, how native communities used it, and the American approach to water management. The western United States is a region with a long history of water challenges. In the American West, over 40 million people depend on the Colorado River, now listed as one of the most endangered rivers in America. MSU Denver developed the non credit Professional Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Taught by MSU Denver faculty, courses are one month long, fully online, and self-paced to accommodate the schedules of busy professional students.

The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership presents 14 videos to help community members learn about how water is managed, restored and monitored in the upper Uncompahgre River watershed. Take advantage of this new education resource to learn about your watershed including mine reclamation, water monitoring, recreational use, water conservation, drinking water and waste water treatment and distribution, aquatic life, water scarcity, agricultural use, management, infrastructure, and more. Watch the video series here.

Master Irrigator Program- San Luis Valley. Over four sessions, this 32-hour program reviews water law and administration, history of water development, and gives participants the tools and strategies to improve water and energy use efficiency and conservation, soil health, and profitability on their operations. Those who complete the course will also receive a $2,000 stipend. To be eligible for this course you must farm in either Rio Grande, Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Saguache or Mineral County. Details will be available soon here.

The American Stormwater Institute, LLC now offers courses in a live setting and online that deal with developing the knowledge and skills required to conduct stormwater inspections. Our courses are based on a “Real World” attitude of finding implementable solutions to the challenges that stormwater inspectors face every day. The state and federal regulations require that “QUALIFIED PERSONS” conduct inspections related to stormwater permits. The overarching goal of the ASI classes is to ensure that our students are well qualified to conduct these inspections. For a list of all classes offered click HERE.

Non-standard MS4 Permit PDD Template and Program Strategy Templates. SPLASH members and SEMSWA worked with CP Compliance to create resources to educate permittees. It may also assist permittees with implementation of the new Non-standard MS4 Permit. Please click HERE to access the material.

San Juan Expedition Avy Course based at Thelma Hut. The AIARE Avy 1 Hut Course is designed to give you a full introduction to backcountry travel. Based out of the Thelma hut on Red Mountain Pass, you will spend day and night with your peers and instructors learning the foundation of avalanche education. In a hut format, you spend more time skiing, more time learning from and observing your instructors, and more time in the mountains—all with lodging and food included. When you take your level one with San Juan Expeditions you will get hands-on experience analyzing the avalanche hazard and using your observations to make decisions in the field. Click HERE for more information.

MSU Denver developed the noncredit Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Students will learn history, law, management, and water trends in Colorado and the American West. The courses have recently been improved, offering the same high quality, but shortened to meet your busy schedules. The course structure has been redesigned for each class to be one month long to improve the learning experience and accommodate the schedules of busy professional students. Click HERE for more information.

Colorado Master Irrigator offers farmers and farm managers advanced training on conservation- and efficiency-oriented irrigation management practices and tools. This program is the product of efforts led by several local producers, district management representatives, and others. Colorado Master Irrigator is modeled on the award-winning Master Irrigator program created and run since 2016 by the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District in the Texas panhandle. Topic experts from Colorado and adjacent Ogallala states, serve as instructors over the 32 hours of the program. Colorado Master Irrigator's interactive class format is designed to encourage peer-to-peer exchange among participants and instructors, helping forge useful contacts that graduates can reach out to after their participation in the program. Click HERE for more information.

Silt Removal - Positive Impact on Crop Yields, Water Use Efficiency, & Irrigation Systems. Presentation from the 2021 World Ag Expo on sources of silt, its impacts, and current and new methods of removal. Watch the presentation here!

Conferences & Events Late January

January 24th- 26th, 2023 | Colorado Farm Show. It is fitting that one of the largest — and oldest — farm shows in the nation takes place in Weld County, the fourth largest agriculture-producing county in the United States. The annual three-day event features almost 350 ag-related exhibits and draws more than 30,000 visitors from around the region interested in learning about ag products, services, and machinery. And volunteers with a love for agriculture make it happen.

January 24th, 2023 | CWCB Water Plan Celebration. This event will honor local water heroes in each basin, recognizing outstanding local individuals for their contributions, leadership, innovation and service in the water field and community. Nominate your local heroes by January 17th, 2023.

January 25th-27th, 2023 | Colorado Water Congress Annual Convention.

January 26th, 2023 | State of the Sector | Resilience: Emerging Leadership in Changing Environments. Register now for State of the Sector 2023! Join for a hybrid event** featuring an interactive panel of leaders in our field, and a virtual awards ceremony honoring two remarkable changemakers in Colorado. CRC’s State of the Sector is a unique opportunity for nonprofit and foundation leaders, public stakeholders, and sector supporters to connect and reflect. The theme this year is Resilience: Emerging Leadership in Changing Environments. Our panel will explore the rising demands on nonprofit leadership and the need for rapidly adapting organizations by highlighting innovation and unique perspectives.

January 27th-28th, 2023 | Western Colorado Food and Farm Forum. The Forum is for anyone with an interest in the future of agriculture. Whether you’re looking to improve or innovate existing practices, the Forum has resources and networking opportunities.

February 15th, 2023 | San Luis Valley Collaboration Summit. The San Luis Valley Collaboration Summit is an opportunity for regional community leaders from across the San Luis Valley to come together to learn more about cross-sector collaborations and examine future ways to build effective and impactful connections and partnerships. The Collaboration Summit will offer an interactive panel and group dialogue activity with representatives from several successful SLV collaborative groups including broadband, opioid, housing coalition, early childhood and workplace learning.

February 21st-22nd, 2023 | Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Annual Conference. Registration is now open for the 9 th Annual Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Conference The conference kicks off at noon Tuesday, Feb. 21 with a luncheon and membership meeting. All are invited to attend. The schedule continues into the early evening the same day, resumes early morning on day two, and concludes mid-afternoon on day two.

March 9th & 10th, 2023 | Western Spaces Annual Land Conference. Save the date! The theme this year is Framing the Future: Investing in Solutions for a Thriving West, and we are planning a great series of panels, workshops, and plenary discussions.

April 10th & 11th, 2023 | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference. This conference is geared toward professionals working proactively to improve wildfire outcomes in Colorado communities and landscapes such as Mitigation Specialists, Emergency Managers, Firefighters, Researchers, Foresters, Developers and Policy Makers. Anyone wishing to learn more about how they can reduce their community’s vulnerability to wildfire is welcome to attend.

April 11th-14th, 2023 | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference. Save the date!

April 12, 2023 - Society of Wetland Scientists Rocky Mountain Chapter Annual Meeting - Save the date!!

Job Announcements Late January

Do you enjoy the outdoors and talking with others? Become a Volunteer Ranger Assistant! Volunteer Ranger Assistants participate in about 20 hours of training. Training topics include the values of natural areas and open lands, basic ecology, managing visitor use, outdoor safety, conflict management, and responding to emergency situations. Natural Areas, in partnership with Larimer County, is now accepting applications for 2023. Applications are due January 13, 2023

Middle Colorado Watershed Council is seeking a Project Manager/Watershed Specialist. This is an employee position for a person to provide project management services to MCWC on projects within the Middle Colorado River region. MCWC will consider all applications submitted by Jan. 31, 2023.

The Rocky Mountain Field Institute is hiring for multiple positions. The ideal candidates possess a strong conservation, work ethic, and deep passion for public lands stewardship. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Interviews are anticipated to begin in January! Learn more about the positions open here.

Trout Unlimited is seeking a Front Range Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Project Manager. The primary job responsibility for this position will be the management and development of mine reclamation projects (including obtaining project funding and facilitating/overseeing project implementation) and coordination with local and regional stakeholders to develop and execute those projects. The successful applicant also will be expected to collaborate with and support Colorado Trout Unlimited’s efforts and develop volunteer opportunities, as appropriate.