Funding Opportunities Late May

Two New USFS Wild & Scenic Grant Opportunities Available. River Network and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) are excited to announce the fifth year of funding for nonprofit and tribal organizations working on or planning for stewardship activities on USFS administered Wild & Scenic Rivers (WSR) and surrounding lands. Read the full grant description and join in the conversation! Applications are due May 19, 2023.

EPA 2023 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program — Applications due May 31, 2023 — Approximately $550 million is available to select approximately 11 eligible entities to become Grantmakers. Grantmakers will design competitive application and submission processes, award environmental justice subgrants, implement a tracking and reporting system, provide resources and support to communities, all in collaboration with EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. This program was created to reduce barriers to the application process and increase the efficiency of the awards process for environmental justice grants. Eligible entities include community-based nonprofit organizations, partnerships of community-based nonprofit organizations and more.

USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Notice of Funding Opportunity — June 1, 2023 — The USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry (UCF) Program is a technical, financial and educational assistance program, delivering nature-based solutions to ensure a resilient and equitable tree canopy. The UCF Program assists State Forestry agencies and partner organizations in addressing and applying nature-based solutions to chronic and emergent economic, social and environmental challenges in communities across the United States, especially those experiencing low urban tree canopy, dead and hazardous tree conditions, extreme heat and severe flooding and limited awareness of or access to green job workforce. The minimum Federal funding amount for projects is $100,000. The maximum Federal funding limit is $50,000,000

WaterSMART Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects for Fiscal Year 2023. This funding opportunity supports the study, design and construction of aquatic ecosystem restoration projects that are collaboratively developed, have widespread regional benefits, and result in the improvement of the health of fisheries, wildlife, and aquatic habitat through restoration and improved fish passage. Applications Due: June 1, 2023

Water Plan Grants. The CWCB offers grants to advance the goals of the Colorado Water Plan. Adding storage? Have a multi-benefit project? Lots of project partners, collaboration? An innovative or landscape-scale project? It might fit well here. Roundtable letters of support, while not required, add value to your application. If you want their consideration, the Southwest Basin Roundtable requests a short proposal and presentation at a meeting. Deadline: July 1st

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants — Rolling application window open — The USDA Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants program supports eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water. Eligible applicants must show a decline in quantity or quality of water that occurred within two years of the date of the application or that a significant decline in quality or quantity of water is imminent.

Click here to access the funding opportunity on and download the complete Notice of Funding Opportunity (also searchable using the opportunity number R23AS00089).

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is allocating $550 million from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to expedite investments to reduce pollution in disproportionately impacted communities. Grant funding will be available through the EPA’s new Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking (EJ TCGM) program. This new program will fund up to 11 entities to serve as grantmakers to community-based projects that reduce pollution. Grantmakers will work collaboratively with the EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. Grantees will develop an efficient, simplified process so that organizations that historically have faced barriers to receiving funding can more seamlessly apply for subgrants and address environmental harms and risks. The following types of organizations can apply:

  • A community-based nonprofit organization;

  • A partnership of community-based nonprofit organizations;

  • A partnership between a Tribal Nation and a community-based nonprofit organization; or,

  • A partnership between an institution of higher education and a community-based nonprofit organization.

Water Conservation Field Services Program Financial Assistance for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023.  Development of Water Conservation Plans to meet state or local water conservation goals and water management improvements through system optimization review are supported by this grant. May 31, 2023  Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., ET,

Federal Technical Assistance Grants. As part of the American Rescue Plan Act, a total of $5 million in federal funding has been allocated for technical assistance grants that will enable eligible entities to work with the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) contractors or to hire contractors to expand their capacity and expertise, in pursuit of federal funding opportunities that directly support the Colorado Water Plan objectives. The allowable uses of this grant funding are broad in scope, to allow for the wide range of federal opportunities available. Funding can be used for: preliminary project planning and design, preliminary permitting, development of estimated project costs, navigation of available federal opportunities, grant writing, and federal grant application submittal. Rolling application deadline.

The Request for Concept Papers for AIM Grant Funding has been posted! Download the instructions and the concept paper from COCO's AIM Grant Page under How To Apply HERE.

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs are provided to eligible applicant states/tribes/territories that, in turn, provide sub-grants to local governments. The applicant selects and prioritizes applications developed and submitted to them by local jurisdictions to submit to FEMA for grant funds. Prospective sub-applicants should consult the official designated point of contact for their applicant state/tribe/territory for further information regarding specific program and application requirements.

The Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program (COSWAP) was created after the devastating 2020 fire season by the Colorado legislature through the bi-partisan supported SB21-258 in the summer of 2021. COSWAP is designed to quickly move $17.5 million state stimulus dollars to start on-the-ground work on fuels reduction projects and increase Colorado's capacity to conduct critical forest restoration and wildfire mitigation work that will increase community resilience and protect life, property and infrastructure.

Applications are NOW OPEN for Nature in the City planning grants! Have an idea for a nature play area, outdoor gathering space, or pollinator restorations? The Dream it Up Project Planning grants can help you and your community plan out your dream project. Anyone from HOA's, faith-based organizations, affordable housing communities, and even schools are welcome and encouraged to apply. Get started!

The Colorado River District’s Community Funding Partnership was created in 2021 to fund multi-purpose water projects on the Western Slope in five project categories: productive agriculture, infrastructure, healthy rivers, watershed health and water quality, and conservation and efficiency. Funding for the program was approved by Western Colorado voters as part of ballot question 7A in November 2020. These funds provide a catalyst for projects that are priorities for residents in the District to receive matching funds from state, federal and private sources. Click here for more information and to apply.

The Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program (COSWAP) was created after the devastating 2020 fire season by the Colorado legislature through the bi-partisan supported SB21-258 in the summer of 2021. COSWAP is designed to quickly move $17.5 million state stimulus dollars to start on-the-ground work on fuels reduction projects and increase Colorado's capacity to conduct critical forest restoration and wildfire mitigation work that will increase community resilience and protect life, property and infrastructure. Learn more about these opportunities here.

HUD: Authority to Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships Notice. HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) has the authority to accept unsolicited research proposals that address current research priorities. HUD is making up to $2 million available for Lead and Healthy Homes Research Partnerships and approximately $1 million available for Research Partnerships for other topics. HUD is interested in increasing participation of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) of higher education and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in all program areas. To learn more, click here.

In response to the impacts of COVID-19, Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) has launched the Resilient Communities Program (RCP). The $15 million program aims to fund one-time, immediate needs or opportunities that have emerged in direct response to the pandemic. It will help partners advance outdoor recreation, stewardship, and land protection projects in a manner that best reflects community needs and priorities at this moment in time. Capacity and operations support, stewardship efforts, projects that support community vitality, and urgent and emergent land acquisition opportunities will be considered. For more information, including eligibility criteria and application forms, click HERE.

Colorado Water Conservation Board has compiled this database to serve as a tool for people and organizations across Colorado to navigate all available funding opportunities for water projects in a single place.

A list of state, federal and private funding available for a wide variety of wildfire mitigation projects including Watershed Health.

Announcements Late May

The Sustaining Colorado Watersheds (SCW) conference has been held annually for the past 18 years to bring together knowledgeable and engaged community members, scientists, ecologists, water managers, educators, community leaders, young professionals, policymakers and regulators to share knowledge, network, and discuss current issues facing Colorado’s watersheds. We are excited to present the theme for the 2023 conference: "Beyond the Banks: Expanding Perspectives to Change our World." As always, the conference aims to explore innovative and inclusive approaches to watershed management that address the unique challenges we face in Colorado. This year’s Beyond the Banks theme emphasizes the need to expand our thinking, incorporate new perspectives, explore paradigm shifts, and collaborate across disciplines and sectors to continue solving complex problems. We can't wait to hear from you! We are accepting abstracts online through May 22, 2023. The agenda Committee will meet to discuss which submissions work best with this year's theme and will inform you by late June or early July if your abstract has been accepted.

The Natural Areas Explorer is here! The Explorer is your guide to the outdoors all summer long. Choose from various activities such as Junior Naturalists, skygazing, stewardship, group hikes and so much more! All events are free and open to the public. View the Explorer online to see all the programs and sign up on Engage to register. Registration opens one month prior to the event.

On May 8th, 2023, representatives from the City and County of Denver and Adams County, the State of Colorado, and U.S. government gathered to celebrate and sign a historic intergovernmental agreement that will result in a multi-million-dollar investment in flood risk management, ecosystem restoration and recreation on Denver area waterways - specifically, the South Platte River and two of its tributaries. The Waterway Resiliency Program will restore a 6.5-mile stretch of the South Platte River from 6th Avenue to 58th Avenue in Denver and Adam Counties, creating more inviting spaces for plants, animals and people, and reducing flood risks along Weir and Harvard Gulches. 

Scientists Are Using Lasers To Uncover The Secrets Of Colorado's Snowpack. So What Does It Mean For Your Water Supply?

The EPA Extends Federal Protection To Tribal Waters

To maintain a healthy, functioning river requires managing the entire river corridor—the channel, floodplain, riparian areas and wetlands, and the connected aquifer—as a single interdependent system. Advances in river science have helped identify the physical extent of a river corridor required for maintaining river processes and ecosystem services. For example, hi-res satellite imagery is used to identify a fluvial hazard zone (i.e., the natural geomorphological floodplain) where natural processes occur. This extent of the natural floodplain is generally larger than the FEMA regulatory floodplain, requiring communities to broaden how they plan for and manage land within the river corridor. Further information on the fluvial hazard zone is available above and from the Colorado Water Conservation Board FHZ Program website.

The Water Information Program (WIP) is a public information program in Southwest Colorado sponsored by a variety of organizations. WIP provides balanced educational programming and resources to the people of the San Juan and Dolores watersheds, and serves as an unbiased forum to discuss water in southwestern Colorado, publish objective and balanced information, promotes water education & outreach, and produces educational workshops and festivals related to water. 30 partner organizations in southwestern Colorado—from water districts, utilities, private stakeholders and environmental advocates—make WIP possible. 

Trainings & Workshops Late May

May 17, 2023 | Discover Your Nonprofit’s Path to Digital Transformation – For Free | River Network. Join Felipe Reyes, Director of Customer Development at TechSoup, to learn about the TechSoup Digital Assessment Tool (DAT), a free web-based application that helps nonprofit organizations assess their technology needs and understand their digital capabilities. You will have the opportunity to do the Introductory Assessment module during this session. It provides customized recommendations and tools to manage the digital transformation journey.

May 18th, 2023 | Community Engagement and Inclusion | Community Resource Center.  Nonprofits do well to include community in organizational planning, programs, and development. This session will help participants understand the role community-led programming can play in meeting their missions, developing more inclusive and equitable engagement processes, and creating sustainable change. We will focus on tools, systems, and approaches for inclusive community engagement. This session will explore tools and tactics for participatory community engagement providing participants with tangible resources for engaging diverse stakeholders and centering community in decision making processes.

May 18th-19th, 2023 | Virtual CMAT Member Training. Join on March 3 to learn about CMAT and how it can benefit your community. A team of experts will discuss the program and provide information on how to access its resources. The CMATs are available to help your community develop and implement strategic plans, build partnerships, and provide training to enhance wildfire mitigation and preparedness. With the increasing threat of wildfires, it is essential that communities take proactive steps to mitigate risk and build resilience. By partnering with CMATs, you can take advantage of the support and resources to realize a more fire-adapted future. The deadline to apply is April 28th, the end of the day.

May 22nd, 2023 | Camelina Field Day | Colorado Water Ag Alliance. Learn about Camelina, an oilseed crop that: Has an established market as a biofuel. Can be planted in fall or early spring for May/ June harvest. Uses less water than other crops grown in Western CO & Eastern UT. Is fast growing with few inputs.

May 24th, 2023 | Nonprofit Board Leadership | Community Resource Center. This training is for Executive Directors, Board Members, and any staff interested in increasing their skills and knowledge of nonprofit governance. Topics to be covered include shared and separate roles and responsibilities, nonprofit lifecycles, board recruitment strategies, board meetings, tips for board chairs, and ideas for engaging board members. Opportunities for peer learning and support will be provided, so please bring a current board question or challenge to share and discuss.

June 7th, 2023 | After the Flames Webinar Series | COCO. Join COCO as they host Chris Sturm, Watershed Program Coordinator with Colorado Water Conservation Board, for a presentation and discussion in working to understand the susceptibility of Colorado’s watersheds to post-wildfire impacts and to plan and prepare for them before fires occur. The Wildfire Ready Watersheds Program provides guidance to help predict where and what post-fire impacts will be felt in local communities. The program provides a detailed work plan that community groups can use to refine and add detail to the study in ways that reflect local priorities and values. Importantly, the Wildfire Ready Watersheds Program also provides guidance on actions that may be taken to reduce the impact of these post-fire hazards on infrastructure and natural resources – both before, and after, a wildfire occurs.

June 7th-8th, 2023 | The Future of Forests. As wildfires continue to ravage the west, burning more and more of the landscape, many are left wondering, how will these fire-affected forests will recover? In this FREE teacher workshop, University of Colorado Boulder curriculum developers lead participants through “The Future of Forests”, a MS/HS curriculum connected to NGSS life science standards that explores patterns of post-fire recovery (or lack thereof) across the west and inspires classrooms to engage in citizen science using NASA's GLOBE Observer land cover app. Participants will engage with online interactives from the National Forest Service, authentic datasets, and App-based labs in this 2-day online teacher workshop.

July 10th-14th, 2023 | Durango: Crossroads of agriculture and education. If you’re new to Agriculture in the Classroom or if you’d like to learn about agriculture and natural resources in the southwest, this five-day course is for you. Ranching, farming, produce, water, and integrating agriculture into your school are just a few of the topics that you will learn about through on-site tours and presentations from industry experts. PreK-12 formal and informal educators in all disciplines from across the Four Corners region and beyond are welcome. Registration of $95 includes 2.5 Continuing Education Units (37.5 clock hours) and 3 graduate level credits from Colorado State University

June 15th, 2023 | Nonprofit Financial Leadership | Community Resource Center. Build your organizational capacity around nonprofit accounting practices, financial oversight, and internal controls. Join for an overview of the critical components of financial management for nonprofit organizations. This workshop will provide participants with an understanding of basic financial management terminology, policies and best practices for success. Topics include understanding a nonprofit board of director’s financial oversight responsibilities, best practices around internal controls, year-end reporting requirements, an overview of financial statements including cash flow, and statement of activities.

June 16th, 2023 | Automated Weeder Demos. See machines in operation on the CSU Arkansas Valley Research Center weeding onions and broccoli (both are also proxies for other low and high density crops possible). Learn more about leading automated weeders for vegetable farms (removing weeds both between and in row). Meet company representatives for more information.

July 17th-August 3rd, 2023 | Earth Corps Field Studies Program | RMFI. Earth Corps is an 18-day field studies course that provides motivated, environmentally conscious undergraduate students the opportunity to live and learn in the incredible natural classroom of the Colorado mountains. The program began in 2002 and in 2014, it won the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education Higher Education Award. The application deadline is April 10, 2023.

July 18-20, 2023 | Denver: The science of animal agriculture. A NEW, three-day professional development opportunity focused on immersive learning experiences in science education. From veterinary science to climate impacts of livestock production to food production, participants will learn directly from industry experts and be equipped with lessons and resources that can be immediately used in the classroom. While this session will be science-focused, it is open to all preK-12 grade formal and informal educators from Colorado and surrounding states. Registration of $45 includes 1.5 Continuing Education Units (22.5 clock hours) and 1 graduate level credit from Colorado State University.

July 20th, 2023 | Get Grants | Community Resource Center. Join CRC for a comprehensive grant writing workshop and learn best practices in grant writing and tips for success when writing the Colorado Common Grant Application. We will understand the essential elements included in a grant proposal and how to craft a compelling case for support through interactive exercises. A review of grant terminology, sources of grant funding, and research tools including the Colorado Grants Guide™ will be discussed.

August 10th, 2023 | Glenwood Springs Water & Fire Resiliency Tour | Colorado WaterWise. On this tour, we'll learn from Glenwood Water Department staff about the critical steps they took to protect their watershed and water quality in order to be able to continue to supply safe, clean water to their residents immediately following the fire and into the future. These actions have included a new pipeline to create a redundant system at the Roaring Fork pump station, a mixing vault outside the City's water plant to support water quality and provide additional system redundancy, upgrades to the water plant that allow for advanced water quality treatment given continued impacts from the burn scar area, and upgrades to No Name Creek's diversion structures to protect the raw water delivery system, reduce sediment load, and improve plant performance. Depending on weather and snowpack, this tour will visit the No Name Intake System or the City's Water Plant and Roaring Fork Intake.

Watershed Academy’s new Hazard Mitigation Planning and Water Resource Management Module Ready - The EPA Watershed Academy has released their new Hazard Mitigation Planning and Water Resource Management Module. This module is intended for water quality and hazard mitigation professionals that are interested in integrating water quality issues and/or nature-based solutions into state or local Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMPs), and highlights the benefits of working across water quality and hazard mitigation programs. Modules in this series can be used as training tools to help planners from both worlds explore activities of mutual interest and benefit. Case studies and examples are provided to assist hazard mitigation planners with integrating water resource programs into HMPs and help watershed planners understand the synergies between water resource plans and HMPs.Visit this link to begin the course!

Colorado Water and the American West teaches students about the rich history of water in the Western United States, how native communities used it, and the American approach to water management. The western United States is a region with a long history of water challenges. In the American West, over 40 million people depend on the Colorado River, now listed as one of the most endangered rivers in America. MSU Denver developed the non credit Professional Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Taught by MSU Denver faculty, courses are one month long, fully online, and self-paced to accommodate the schedules of busy professional students.

The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership presents 14 videos to help community members learn about how water is managed, restored and monitored in the upper Uncompahgre River watershed. Take advantage of this new education resource to learn about your watershed including mine reclamation, water monitoring, recreational use, water conservation, drinking water and waste water treatment and distribution, aquatic life, water scarcity, agricultural use, management, infrastructure, and more. Watch the video series here.

Master Irrigator Program- San Luis Valley. Over four sessions, this 32-hour program reviews water law and administration, history of water development, and gives participants the tools and strategies to improve water and energy use efficiency and conservation, soil health, and profitability on their operations. Those who complete the course will also receive a $2,000 stipend. To be eligible for this course you must farm in either Rio Grande, Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Saguache or Mineral County. Details will be available soon here.

The American Stormwater Institute, LLC now offers courses in a live setting and online that deal with developing the knowledge and skills required to conduct stormwater inspections. Our courses are based on a “Real World” attitude of finding implementable solutions to the challenges that stormwater inspectors face every day. The state and federal regulations require that “QUALIFIED PERSONS” conduct inspections related to stormwater permits. The overarching goal of the ASI classes is to ensure that our students are well qualified to conduct these inspections. For a list of all classes offered click HERE.

Non-standard MS4 Permit PDD Template and Program Strategy Templates. SPLASH members and SEMSWA worked with CP Compliance to create resources to educate permittees. It may also assist permittees with implementation of the new Non-standard MS4 Permit. Please click HERE to access the material.

San Juan Expedition Avy Course based at Thelma Hut. The AIARE Avy 1 Hut Course is designed to give you a full introduction to backcountry travel. Based out of the Thelma hut on Red Mountain Pass, you will spend day and night with your peers and instructors learning the foundation of avalanche education. In a hut format, you spend more time skiing, more time learning from and observing your instructors, and more time in the mountains—all with lodging and food included. When you take your level one with San Juan Expeditions you will get hands-on experience analyzing the avalanche hazard and using your observations to make decisions in the field. Click HERE for more information.

MSU Denver developed the noncredit Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Students will learn history, law, management, and water trends in Colorado and the American West. The courses have recently been improved, offering the same high quality, but shortened to meet your busy schedules. The course structure has been redesigned for each class to be one month long to improve the learning experience and accommodate the schedules of busy professional students. Click HERE for more information.

Colorado Master Irrigator offers farmers and farm managers advanced training on conservation- and efficiency-oriented irrigation management practices and tools. This program is the product of efforts led by several local producers, district management representatives, and others. Colorado Master Irrigator is modeled on the award-winning Master Irrigator program created and run since 2016 by the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District in the Texas panhandle. Topic experts from Colorado and adjacent Ogallala states, serve as instructors over the 32 hours of the program. Colorado Master Irrigator's interactive class format is designed to encourage peer-to-peer exchange among participants and instructors, helping forge useful contacts that graduates can reach out to after their participation in the program. Click HERE for more information.

Silt Removal - Positive Impact on Crop Yields, Water Use Efficiency, & Irrigation Systems. Presentation from the 2021 World Ag Expo on sources of silt, its impacts, and current and new methods of removal. Watch the presentation here!

Job Announcements Late May

Colorado Water Trust is seeking a Staff Attorney. The Staff Attorney will provide legal support to Colorado Water Trust. The position will counsel the organization in furtherance of water rights transactions, as well as for human resource and organizational matters. The Staff Attorney will also support the program staff to evaluate, develop, implement, and stewarding flow restoration projects throughout Colorado using collaborative, voluntary, and market-based approaches.  Please submit a resume, cover letter, and three references by May 20, 2023.

Colorado Water Trust is seeking a  Water Transactions Coordinator. The Water Transactions Coordinator will evaluate, develop, implement, and steward flow restoration projects throughout Colorado using collaborative, voluntary, market-based approaches. They will work in a team environment under the direction of the Executive Director, with a self-starting and entrepreneurial ethos. The ideal candidate will share our passion for Western water and healthy rivers, be adept at innovative thinking to advance Colorado Water Trust’s goals, have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, in addition to technical skills. Please submit a resume, cover letter, and three references by May 20, 2023

The City of Greeley is seeking an experienced and professional Deputy Director. The Deputy Director leadership role is a key member of the Water & Sewer Department’s stewardship (leadership) team, and leads the strategic planning, budgeting for outcomes and staffing for the operations and maintenance teams. It is critical that this role be a highly effective communicator, well organized leader, and committed to cultivating a culture of excellence through continuous improvement and teamwork. Received applications will be reviewed after Wednesday, May 31st, 2023. This posting may be removed without notice.  Apply today!

Roaring Fork Conservancy is seeking a motivated, energetic Education Program Coordinator to oversee its diverse water education programs. This full-time position comes with medical benefits, Simple IRA contribution, vacation benefits, and a competitive salary based on experience.  The application deadline is June 4.

The Town of Estes is seeking a Water Plant Operator I – IV. Under the general supervision of the Distribution Supervisor or Plant Supervisor, perform entry level, semi-skilled and skilled technical and maintenance work in the daily operation and maintenance of a water treatment plant, distribution system, pump and PRV stations.  Level I is an entry level position and can be filled with limited or no experience in water treatment or distribution. Participates in the operation, maintenance and monitoring of the water system to ensure adherence to standards and efficiency of operations.  At the entry level, work closely with supervised training and a limited range of duties.  At advanced levels, work with an increased level of independence and responsibility to make routine changes in the operation of the plant and Distribution System. Applications for this position will close June 5th, 2023.

National Forest Foundation (NFF) is pleased to offer a regular, full-time, and exempt position that will build partnerships and connections to support the development and implementation of conservation projects and programs across the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National Grassland in Wyoming and Northern Colorado. The Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest (MBRNF) Project Coordinator reports directly to the Rocky Mountain Region Program Manager and works closely with other Colorado and Wyoming-based field staff to cooperatively plan, develop, and implement priority projects on the MBR. The Project Coordinator’s initial focus will be on coordinating and implementing recreation infrastructure projects made possible through the Great American Outdoors Act. The position is open until June 8th.

CSU Spur is seeking motivated and enthusiastic individuals to join the Education Team as Education Facilitators. These individuals will be part of a team designing and delivering programs at the CSU Spur campus in Denver that inspire life-long learners to tackle global problems around food, water, and health, and will play a key role in the future of educational offerings at a brand-new state-of-the art campus. CSU Spur accepts applications on an ongoing basis for this position and reviews them on a quarterly basis or as openings become available. Current deadlines for quarterly review are June 5, August 7, Oct. 30, and Jan. 29, 2024.

The Metro Roundtable is looking to fill one Recreation Representative position and two At-large Representative positions. All three openings are voting positions. Deadline for applications is Monday, June 5th end of business day. Learn more here.

Mountain Studies Institute is seeking a Forestry/Field Crew Lead. The field lead will work directly with Mountain Studies Institute (MSI) as part of our dedicated forest monitoring team to support our collaborative forest health partners across the San Juan National Forest. The field lead will assist with forest monitoring, data entry, and other MSI projects as needed.

The Town of Estes is seeking a Water Superintendent. Under the general supervision of the Utilities Director, manages, directs, operates, and reports on the water treatment and distribution systems, the laboratory and raw water resources including operations and maintenance, construction, regulatory compliance, and staff activities. Responsible for all operations, budgeting and tracking, staff management, and planning to ensure safe, reliable, and high-quality potable water for the Town’s customers. Ensures staff input, oversight, and inspection of major capital projects and system improvements.

The City of Boulder is looking for energetic communication and outreach professional to join its team to support the Utilities Department’s Storm and Flood Program. As a Communications Senior Project Manager, you will find an unparalleled development opportunity to work with an array of local government professionals; develop communications and outreach strategies to connect the community with key projects and services; and use creativity to tackle complex projects. And you will do all of this in one of the nation's premier local governments and most innovative and beautiful cities.

Colorado Water Trust is seeking a Water Transactions Coordinator. This position will evaluate, develop, implement, and steward flow restoration projects throughout Colorado using collaborative, voluntary, market-based approaches. They will work in a team environment under the direction of the Executive Director, with a self-starting and entrepreneurial ethos. The ideal candidate will share our passion for Western water and healthy rivers, be adept at innovative thinking to advance Colorado Water Trust’s goals, have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, in addition to technical skills. The right person for this role will be comfortable communicating complex technical information to a variety of audiences, and be persistent despite occasionally skeptical audiences and challenging, long-term projects.

Mountain Studies Institute is seeking a Forest Program Science and Monitoring Manager. The Science and Monitoring Manager will design and implement forest and landscape monitoring programs, recruit, hire, manage and mentor seasonal field crews, oversee the collection and storage of monitoring data, analyze and synthesize resulting data, interpret and communicate monitoring results to a wide variety of audiences, seek and manage resources to support monitoring programming, and engage in collaborative conversations about desired conditions and adaptive management practices. The Science and Monitoring Manager will supervise other staff.

The Big Thompson Watershed Coalition is hiring a Stream Restoration Project Manager. Under the general direction of the BTWC Director, the Stream Restoration Project Manager works with landowners and partners to restore river function and riparian habitat, improve water quality, adaptively manage & monitor stream projects, and build resilience to climate change and other disturbances. The position will participate in and lead stream restoration project identification planning, coordination, management, and monitoring efforts.

The Babbitt Center is looking for a new Executive Director. This is a rewarding opportunity to join our seven-person team working on the Colorado River Basin's critical water and land challenges. The Babbitt Center focuses on building the capacity of local communities and their water and land managers. They provide funding, conduct research, and build partnerships to work with urban and growing communities, agricultural regions, and tribal nations throughout the region. They are also looking for a Program Manager to help carry out this important work. Both positions are based in Phoenix.

Conferences & Events Late May

May 17th, 2023 | Plumtaw Premier | San Juan Headwaters. SJHFHP will be premiering Plumtaw: A Future With Fire at the Pagosa Center for the Arts in Pagosa Springs at 6pm on May 17, 2023, which marks the one year anniversary of the fire. Following the film, there will be a panel discussing our scientific and philosophical relationship with fire. You are encouraged to participate in this community event. All are welcome.

May 19th, 2023 | Wildflowers and Nature. Celebrate spring with a comfortable 2 mile walk to observe the wildflowers that make the foothills their home. In addition, we'll discuss the local geology and wildlife that coexists in this dry shortgrass prairie habitat. Registration for this event is FREE.

May 20, 2022 | River Runoff Party | Roaring Fork Conservancy. Whether you’re a novice or pro, you’re invited to join us to get river-ready for the summer season! Learn to tie a fly, get a refresher on river etiquette & safety, tune up your fly rod, play watershed trivia for prizes and more!

May 24th-25th, 2023 | West Plum Creek Field Trip | River Network. Join for a field trip along West Plum Creek! You’ll get a chance to talk to local and regional experts, get your hands dirty and test out various assessment methods and techniques that will help you with your Stream Management Plan (SMP) or Integrated Water Management Plan (IWMP). Participants have the opportunity to swap stories and learn from each other for the duration of the 1.5-day event.

May 31st-June 1st, 2023 | Drought Summit | CWCB. The 2023 Drought Summit will bring together local and state partners, technical experts, and community over two days at History Colorado in Denver with sessions exploring drought lessons learned, innovative funding opportunities, the Urban Landscape Conservation Task Force's ongoing work, Wildfire Ready Watersheds, lessons from the field in agriculture, Colorado River issues, balancing storage and conservation, drought innovation and resiliency planning, and more.

June 1st-2nd, 2023 | Yampa Basin Rendezvous: Snows, Flows, and Drought: Managing for Western Water Resilience. This event will bring together members of the local community, researchers from the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E), and regional subject matter experts for two days of exploration, discussion, and field learning focusing on how scientists and community can work together to build resilience in the face of western weather and water extremes. The Rendezvous will include morning discussion panels with regional experts, water managers, and local leaders, afternoon field learning, and an evening community event. Attendance for the two-day workshop is free but requires registration which can be found here.

June 2nd-July 1st, 2023 | Run Off - Call for Art | Friends of the Yampa. Friends of the Yampa seek artworks that celebrate the Yampa River and its surrounding watershed. Runoff, a community art show, is in its second year presented by Friends of the Yampa. The mission of Runoff is to bring together artworks that inspire the preservation of water resources, and demonstrate a variety of stakeholder ties to the Yampa River Basin.

June 8th, 2023 | Hydro Backyard and Denver Water Laboratory Grand Opening at CSU Spur. Please join the CSU Spur and Denver Water teams as we celebrate the opening of the beautiful outdoor space at CSU Spur’s Hydro building “The Backyard” and Denver Water’s new state-of-the-art Water Quality Laboratory. Explore the fully opened CSU Spur campus, enjoy a drink in The Backyard at Spur from Western Daughters Kitchen, tour the country’s first publicly visible water quality testing lab, and experience newly revealed large-scale art installations from Colorado artists Nikki Pike and Anthony Garcia.

June 5th-7th, 2023 | Becoming a Climate Change Educator in Every Discipline - WCU Teacher Institute. Begin (or continue) your journey of becoming a climate change educator by pairing concrete facts about the mechanisms of climate change with the human elements: personal experiences, storytelling, and collective action.

June 6th-7th, 2023 | Yampa/White/Green River Basin Tour | Water Education Colorado. Join more than 50 other water professionals, agricultural producers, elected officials, educators, students, and interested community members to travel the region in style, riding on our coach bus. Along the way you'll learn about the water development history, unique characteristics, water management challenges, and current exciting projects underway in the region's distinct watersheds. Plus network with your fellow tour participants as you share this exciting and rewarding educational experience together.

June 10, 2023 | River Float & Festival | Roaring Fork Conservancy. Spend the morning with Roaring Fork Conservancy staff and river ambassadors as we float the lower Roaring Fork River. After the float, join us at Coryell Ranch for lunch catered by Slow Groovin, beer from Odell Brewing, music, and the opportunity to try stand up paddle boarding and fly casting! Prefer not to float? That's okay, join for lunch and fun at Coryell Ranch from 11:30am to 3pm.

June 12th, 2023 | Colorado Brownfields Conference. This year’s theme, Brownfields – Redevelopment Gold, explores the many opportunities associated with brownfields. With unprecedented levels of funding for brownfields cleanup and support and an ever-growing need for community revitalization and affordable housing, it’s time to cash in on the Redevelopment Gold! Everyone from community leaders and municipal staff to consultants and development professionals will be able to learn, grow, and network at this year’s conference. The Call for Sessions opens January 10th through February 26th.

June 13th-15th, 2023 | University Council on Water Resources Annual Conference. Join us to discuss critical water issues facing the western United States, the continent, and globe. Please join the dialogue, as we seek to develop new and innovative collaborations and transdisciplinary solutions to complex water problems.

June 19th, 2023 | New Challenges, Stronger Organizations | Colorado Resource Center. The Regional Leadership Committee of the Western Slope invites you to a gathering of nonprofit leaders seeking to strengthen organizations and regional collaboration during a day of exploration, skill-building and opportunities to build you, your staff and the region! CRC’s Regional Leadership Committees work together to support collaborations that result in stronger nonprofits throughout their regions. Local communities decide on projects and events to bring to fruition and seek to ensure the flow of information, resources and opportunities to all nonprofits.

June 19th-22nd, 2023 | NHWC Training Conference & Exposition | National Hydrologic Warning Council.  This conference will be held at Beaver Run Resort in Breckenridge, Colorado. It brings together field personnel, engineers, hydrologists, forecasters, water resource managers, emergency management officials, and others from across the industry for three days of keynote presentations, hands-on workshops, detailed technical sessions, and networking opportunities. The location is fitting, given the 10-year anniversary of the catastrophic flooding that occurred in Colorado's Front Range in September 2023. “Gold Rush at the Great Divide” is the 2023 theme, chosen both as an homage to the long history of gold mining in the region and to draw from the conference's location at the headwater of one of the largest river systems in the United States. Register today.

June 22nd, 2023 | Watershed Summit | Denver Botanic Gardens. The Watershed Summit, or “Shed” as it is affectionately known, has become a Colorado tradition. Each June stakeholders gather to discuss current and future water challenges and opportunities facing the state. With the past year having seen increased stress on Colorado and regional water resources – and with the accompanying heightened news coverage, the 2023 event will focus on leveraging heightened public awareness to effect change. Shed ’23 will be a fully in-person event at Denver Botanic Gardens, concluding with the ever-popular happy hour event sponsored by Stem Ciders and Howdy Beer.

July 8th, 2023 | Troutfest Colorado | Colorado Trout Unlimited. Troutfest Colorado is July 8th at Coors Field! It’s a one of a kind summer festival and celebration of conservation, education, and fly fishing. Bring the entire family FREE of charge with registration and enjoy exhibitors, youth activities, interactive booths, ballpark tours and concessions, casting presentation and demo opportunities, fly tying, and much more!

July 17th-19th, 2023 | Connecting Land & Water for Healthy Communities | American Water Resources Association. Join for the second AWRA Summer Conference: Land and Water. This conference will bring together stakeholders across multiple disciplines, types of organizations, and professions to address the design, integration, and implementation of the programs necessary to better connect land and water planning and policy.

August 3rd-4th, 2023 | West Slope Field Trip | River Network. Explore two indicators of river health—floodplain connectivity and flow regime—and practice your facilitation skills through this 2-day field trip! Learn about the Upper Gunnison Watershed Management Plan with Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District, connect with other SMP leads, and build a community of practice to collectively enhance work on SMP/IWMPs throughout the state. More details to follow.

August 12th-16th, 2023 | American Phytopathology Society Plant Health 2023 Conference.. Join us at the Sheraton Downtown Denver to explore this year’s meeting theme, "LINKS to a Sustainable Future," with programming that illuminates the interconnectivity of local and indigenous knowledge to the future of global agriculture.