There are lots of events and workshops being announced through Colorado Watershed Assembly web news blog and Inflow Newsletter. (Thank you for sending your events our way for promotion.) If you haven’t been sharing your events with us, please consider doing so by sending your announcements to
You may not be subscribed to our Inflow Newsletter, which CWA delivers twice a month. Inflow contains the current and most critical news in Colorado’s water realm with a focus on jobs, conferences & events, trainings & workshops, and funding opportunities. You can subscribe online at
CWA also maintains a master mailing list, which communicates announcements from state agencies like the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Colorado Water Conservation Board and other entities and trusted sources that help CWA accomplish our mission to support collaborative efforts to protect and improve the conservation values of our state’s land, water, and other natural resources. This master list also updates its audience about the Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference, the premiere watershed conference in the state, co-hosted by Water Education Colorado, Colorado Riparian Association, and us.