Announcements for Late July

This is Miramonte Reservoir,  DWM Mark Caddy, Division of Wildlife, 9/8/2003

This is Miramonte Reservoir,  DWM Mark Caddy, Division of Wildlife, 9/8/2003

EPA’s Office of Water is planning a Best Practice Webinar on Promoting Preparedness to Protect a Town’s Drinking Water on July 19th at 3:00pm eastern. The presenter will be Jeri Weiss from EPA Region 1, and she will be discussing the Best Practice from our FY 2016 National Water Program Performance, Trends, and Best Practices Report. Region 1 worked with residents of Mattapoisett, Massachusetts and collected stories of the impacts of extreme weather events in their community. They used the stories and visual reminders of past hurricanes to highlight the need to develop an adaptation plan focusing on the threat to the town’s drinking water system from a storm surge inundating its drinking water wells.  Register HERE. 

Forest Plans guide the management of National Forests, and are usually updated every 15-20 years. The Forest Plan for Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests was last revised in 1983, so its time for an update! This June, GMUG kicked off its Plan Revision Process, which needs your informed input. On July 25, the USFS will host a public open house at Lincoln Elementary in Delta. Please join them at the open house to learn about the process and how you can participate. Click HERE for more information.

The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has released a suite of materials states and communities can use to protect public health during harmful algal bloom (HAB) outbreaks caused by cyanobacteria. Some blooms are capable of producing toxins, called cyanotoxins, which can harm humans and animals, affect drinking water sources and impact local economies. Public health officials and outdoor water recreational managers can use EPA’s online resources to develop a cyanotoxin monitoring program, communicate potential health risks to the public, and address HAB outbreaks. Go to the EPA website for more information.

Colorado Water Quality Control  Division is seeking your input and participation in a stakeholder process regarding Regulation 84 - Reclaimed Water. Denver Water is proposing modifications to Regulation 84 to allow four new uses. The first meeting is focused on livestock washdown and watering. The process to review proposed uses is a collaborative approach between the Water Quality Control Division, Denver Water and other interested stakeholders. The Water Quality Control Commission rulemaking hearing for the proposed changes to the regulation will be held in August 2018.  A meeting will be on July 18, 2017 (12:30- 3:30 p.m.) at Daniels Fund, 101 Monroe St., Room 126 Denver, CO 80206. Meeting materials are available on the reclaimed water stakeholder webpage.

EPA, U.S. Army Move to Rescind 2015 "Waters of the U.S." The Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Army, and Army Corps of Engineers (the agencies) are proposing a rule to rescind the Clean Water Rule and re-codify the regulatory text that existed prior to 2015 defining "waters of the United States" or WOTUS. This action would, when finalized, provide certainty in the interim, pending a second rulemaking in which the agencies will engage in a substantive re-evaluation of the definition of "waters of the United States." The proposed rule would be implemented in accordance with Supreme Court decisions, agency guidance, and longstanding practice.  "We are taking significant action to return power to the states and provide regulatory certainty to our nation's farmers and businesses," said Administrator Scott Pruitt. "This is the first step in the two-step process to redefine 'waters of the U.S.' and we are committed to moving through this re-evaluation to quickly provide regulatory certainty, in a way that is thoughtful, transparent and collaborative with other agencies and the public." This proposed rule follows the February 28, 2017, Presidential Executive Order on "Restoring the Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the 'Waters of the United States' Rule." Click HERE for more information.  

Youth and Urban Waters Work: Groundwork’s Approach to Fostering Environmental Careers among Disadvantaged Youth - Youth have been central to Groundwork’s urban waters reclamation efforts. This report details the ways Groundwork youth have engaged with urban waters and reiterates why diversity is essential to future environmental and urban waters work. The report identifies potential environmental/urban waters-related occupations for youth, and provides steps to fill systematic gaps that will allow minority youth to fill green positions. Download a copy of the report here.

US Water Alliance Releases New National Paper on Equitable Water Management - Water challenges are often considered in the context of failing infrastructure or environmental pollution. An Equitable Water Future offers a robust analysis of the often-overlooked human dimension of water management, with a focus on how water can expand opportunity for our nation's most vulnerable people. The report demonstrates how water challenges affect affordability, environmental and social justice, economic development, health, safety, and more. Click here to read the report.

EPA Releases Green Infrastructure in Parks: A Guide to Collaboration, Funding, and Community Engagement. EPA has produced a guide to encourage partnerships between park agencies and stormwater agencies to promote the use of green infrastructure on park lands. The guide is designed to provide a stepwise approach for building relationships with potential partners, and includes information on how to identify and engage partners, build relationships, involve the community, leverage funding opportunities, and identify green infrastructure opportunities. It includes recommendations on the types of projects that are most likely to attract positive attention and funding, and which provide a wide range of benefits. Case studies illustrate the approaches presented in the guide. These real-life examples portray how partnerships between municipal stormwater agencies and parks departments have improved recreational resources in the community, enhanced environmental protection, and reduced risks and burdens. View the guide HERE.