Announcements Early October

Animas River Gorge. Amimas River Gorge near Durango, CO. Division of Wildlife.Pete Walker, Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Date taken: 5/3/2004.

Animas River Gorge. Amimas River Gorge near Durango, CO. Division of Wildlife.Pete Walker, Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Date taken: 5/3/2004.

The Solution for Salt in Our Rivers? - 9 million tons: that's how much salt is carried in the Colorado River by the time it flows through the Hoover Dam. 800,000 tons comes from the Lower Gunnison Basin. This article in High Country News explores what irrigators in Western Colorado are doing to keep salt out of our water. 

Colorado River Water Conservation District's ever-popular, one-day annual water seminar was attended by nearly 240, and, broadcast live via our Facebook page. Themed “Points of No Return,” the 2017 seminar highlighted some of the toughest issues facing the Colorado River and the more than 40 million people who rely on its water. The seminar’s program featured presentations and panel discussions with a variety of water experts focusing on agriculture and irrigation issues, Upper and Lower Basin drought contingency planning, collaborative conservation efforts, and more.The Colorado River District’s Annual Water Seminar was held on Friday, September 15th in Grand Junction, Colorado and was attended by record-breaking numbers. For those unable to attend in person or via live feed, or those wanting to relive the awesome experience - please visit our seminar webpage to access the presentations or view the footage of the entire seminar.

The River Rally team invites proposals for workshops, due October 1, 2017, that relate to one or more of the following themes: Reconnecting to Rivers Through Restoration and Recreation; Mobilizing for Change Through Policy, Advocacy, and Civic Engagement; Making Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Real; Expanding Impact Through Science, Technology, and Monitoring, or; Sustaining Strong Leaders, Organizations and Coalitions. Click HERE for all pertinent details.

The NHWC is requesting articles that focus on practices, technologies and tools used to gather and disseminate real-time hydro-meteorological data. Please consider writing an article that highlights how your organization collects and disseminates real-time data.  Article submission deadline Friday, October 6th, 2017 to be considered for inclusion in the October newsletter. Below is the article focus schedule for the next four months:

Oct   -   Data Collection
Nov -  Hydrology

Dec  -   Hazard Communication & Public Awareness
Jan   -  Modeling/Analysis

Complete requirements and additional information can be found HERE.

Southern Rockies Fire Science Network announced their new four-part video series "Bridging The Divide" which explores the challenges and triumphs involved with the 2013 West Fork Fire Complex in southern Colorado. This 109,000-acre fire had unique impacts on the Rio Grande river watershed, two national forests, and related mountain communities. Each short is a compilation of post-fire interviews, workshops, and research presentations, highlighting the special conditions of the fire and the unique community outcomes. Through science, collaboration and partnerships these mountain communities are learning to live with fire in the landscape.

Part 1 (5:38):  Bridging the Divide – The 2013 West Fork Fire Complex
Part 2 (2:58): Values and Risks
Part 3 (3:08): Forest Management
Part 4 (3:21): The Future of Our Forests

The CDPHE is launching the 2018 Nonpoint Source Funding Cycle. This process begins with the development of a concept or idea focused on water quality problems or protection opportunities associated with nonpoint sources of pollution. This concept will be developed into a full proposal later in the process. For those project sponsors interested in receiving feedback on a NPS project idea, the NPS Program requests submittal of a concept paper. This is not a mandatory step in the funding process but we strongly suggest that you take advantage of this opportunity because it will help you develop a proposal that is better aligned with the Nonpoint Source program priorities and has a stronger possibility of securing funds. The concept paper submittal deadline is October 23, 2017 and feedback on the ideas shared through concept papers will be provided on October 30, 2017 during a telephone conference in the morning (more details to follow). For guidance in developing your concept paper, please go to, or see the attached files. Once you have developed the project concept paper, please submit it to: .

Do you have great ideas, research, or Environmental Education strategies to share? Help elevate EE by presenting at the annual Advancing Environmental Education Conference, "emPowered by Nature", Friday, March 2nd -Saturday, March 3rd, 2018at the Auraria Campus in Denver. The conference offers a variety of sessions, inspiring speakers, and many opportunities for networking and discovering new ideas, tools and techniques. Proposals are due October 31st, 2017.

The Center for Collaborative Conservation (CCC) invites team applications for the 9th cohort of Collaborative Conservation Fellows. This cohort will join 134 previous fellows as part of a worldwide network of collaborative conservation. The Collaborative Conservation Fellows Program supports faculty, researchers, students, and practitioners using collaborative approaches to conservation and livelihood challenges. For this cohort, they are looking for teams, comprised of practitioners, faculty, and students.  The fellowships will run for a full two years, from January 15, 2018 - January 15, 2020. Please visit their WEBSITE to read the RFP, learn more about the program, and submit your proposal.  Applications will be accepted until November 1, 2017. 

Taking a Walk Through Deep Time. A new app called Deep Time Walk attempts to remind us of our common evolutionary history with all life through the combination of an audio book and physical walk. The walk is 4.6 kilometers, representing 4,600 million years of the Earth’s history. This unfolding takes you from 4,600,000,000 years ago (4,600 Million Years Ago) to the present day, with each metre walked representing 1 million years. During the walk between a fool and a scientist you learn from the latest scientific evidence about how our planet evolved over this vast stretch of geological time, including the accretion of the Earth from a disc of rocky debris, the formation of the oceans and atmosphere, the appearance of first life - bacteria, then the first nucleated cells and multicellular organisms.