Announcements Early September

Skaguay Reservoir SWA #5, Division of Wildlife, Michael Seraphin, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 7/7/2002

Skaguay Reservoir SWA #5, Division of Wildlife, Michael Seraphin, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 7/7/2002

The Center for Collaborative Conservation (CCC) invites team applications for the 9th cohort of Collaborative Conservation Fellows. This cohort will join 134 previous fellows as part of a worldwide network of collaborative conservation. The Collaborative Conservation Fellows Program supports faculty, researchers, students, and practitioners using collaborative approaches to conservation and livelihood challenges. For this cohort, they are looking for teams, comprised of practitioners, faculty, and students.  The fellowships will run for a full two years, from January 15, 2018 - January 15, 2020. Please visit their WEBSITE to read the RFP, learn more about the program, and submit your proposal.  Applications will be accepted until November 1, 2017. 

Taking a Walk Through Deep Time. A new app called Deep Time Walk attempts to remind us of our common evolutionary history with all life through the combination of an audio book and physical walk. The walk is 4.6 kilometers, representing 4,600 million years of the Earth’s history. This unfolding takes you from 4,600,000,000 years ago (4,600 Million Years Ago) to the present day, with each metre walked representing 1 million years. During the walk between a fool and a scientist you learn from the latest scientific evidence about how our planet evolved over this vast stretch of geological time, including the accretion of the Earth from a disc of rocky debris, the formation of the oceans and atmosphere, the appearance of first life - bacteria, then the first nucleated cells and multicellular organisms. 

In a 5 1/2 minute video, Kirk Klancke, Anna Drexler-Dreis and other leaders with the Colorado River. Headwaters Chapter share the story of how collaboration among TU, Grand County, Denver Water, and other stakeholders is creating opportunities to restore healthier habitat for the Fraser River and its riparian corridor. Learn More.

The August 2017 Drought Update, a summary of the drought information presented at the August 17, 2017 Water Availability Task Force Meeting will be posted on the CWCB website.  All of the presentations from the meeting can also be found on the CWCB website. If you have questions regarding the Drought Update, please contact Tracy Kosloff at

The Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) and Colorado Water Conservation Board have just released a report providing scientific information about the benefits and challenges of managing Colorado’s forests to secure water supplies. The report, entitled Forest Management to Protect Colorado’s Water Resources, was produced in compliance with a 2016 legislative mandate to supplement the Colorado Water Plan. The report addresses the following factors affecting the Colorado’s forests and water supply wildland fire, insect and disease outbreaks, changing climate, and roads and human disturbances. While describing the challenges and potential benefits of forest management treatments for water supply and water quality, the report also summarizes the costs to watersheds, communities, water users and infrastructure if forest management does not occur.The health and proper management of headwaters forests, concludes CSFS, is closely linked to the sustained delivery of clean water. While more scientific research is needed to document the combined impact of wildfires, insects and climate, on-the-ground partnerships between stakeholders will be vital to manage forested watersheds to meet Colorado’s water needs.

Front Range Urban Forestry Council meeting on September 21st, 2017 from 8:30 am – Noon at the Golden Community Center, 1470 10th Street, Golden, CO 80401. They will meet in the Bear Creek Room on the upper level of the Community Center. If you need additional information contact Keith Wood at 303-438-9338 or