Conferences & Events Late October

OCTOBER 21st, 2021 | Colorado Beaver Summit | Colorado Headwaters. The virtual Colorado Beaver Summit will feature presentations that demonstrate the importance of beavers in implementing long-term solutions to Western water challenges. The focus of this virtual conference is nature-based water-resource restoration, including re-establishment of beavers across their traditional range, especially in headwaters regions. Click HERE to register and for more information.

OCTOBER 23rd, 2021, 8:30-11 am | Nature Walk at Bee’s Preserve | Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust. RiGHT staff will guide you through a walking tour of one of our newer conservation easements, Bee's Preserve. U.S. Forest Service Biologist, Doug Clark, will assist in wildlife and bird identification. Coffee and pastries will be provided by Raisin' Rye, a microbakery in Del Norte. Binoculars recommended, although staff will have several pairs. Rain/muck boots recommended. This event is FREE but registration is required. Sign up HERE.

OCTOBER 26th, 2021, 9am-4pm | 2021 Hybrid Water Conservation Symposium | Colorado WaterWise. This year's event will be hosted at Mile High Station in Denver, CO on October 26. We also know that some organizations and individuals are not comfortable with in person attendance at events so they are pleased to offer a virtual option for this year's event. Click HERE for more information and to register.

OCTOBER 26th, 2021 | Ecosystems as Models for Restoring our Economies book launch. John Giordanengo, a Fort Collins local, will be hosting a launch event for a new book entitled “Ecosystems as Models for Restoring our Economies”. The event will take place at Wolverine Farm, 316 Willow St., Fort Collins, CO: with a 5 pm social, and a truly unique talk by a regional restoration ecologist, decades-long conservationist, and CO business owner at 6 pm. The evening will be accompanied by live music from Sturtz. The event is Free, In-Person, and open to the public with a max capacity of 50 attendees. If you would consider sharing this information on your outlet, that would be so greatly appreciated. Click HERE for more information.

OCTOBER 27th, 2021 | Volunteer Planting Event | RiversEdge West. In recent years, a significant amount of invasive Russian olive and tamarisk have been removed at this beloved park. On October 27th, volunteers will help to further restore this area by planting native plants that will provide a mid-story plant layer that is beneficial for wildlife, birds, and the patrons of the park. The event will run from 9am to 1pm, with lunch available and various snacks and water provided throughout the morning. Volunteers are encouraged to bring knee pads/kneelers, gloves, water bottles, sun protection, and work clothes. This event is limited to the first 20 participants. Click HERE to register.

NOVEMBER 3rd-4th, 2021 | Upper Colorado River Basin Water Forum | Virtual. The 2021 Upper Colorado River Basin Forum will occur virtually on November 3 and 4 with each day offering a series of keynotes and panels discussing practices and policies for local and regional resiliency. The Colorado River District's General Manager, Andy Mueller, will be featured on a November 3rd panel entitled, "CO Agricultural Perspectives on Demand Management and Temporary Fallowing." To read the full agendas for each day and to register click HERE.

NOVEMBER 5th, 2021, 7 pm MDT | Rio Reels Festival | Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project. The event will be held virtually and will feature several river-themed films, as well as a silent auction and door prizes! Rio Reels, aims to showcase the ways in which rivers sustain us. This year's films take a look into what this means for ranchers, fish, adventurers, and environmental activists. Restoration efforts are ways we can give back to the river what it has provided to us, and to ensure these opportunities are there in the future! Click HERE for more event information.

DECEMBER 9th, 2021: South Platte Forum. Check back for registration opening in 2021. Read more HERE.

DECEMBER 9th-10th, 2021 | Colorado Ag Water Summit. Colorado’s Ag Water Summit brings together agricultural leaders, water professionals, elected officials, and decision makers to discuss agricultural water issues. We have a Water Plan, but where does Ag fit into implementing the Water Plan? We plan to discuss Ag’s role in infrastructure, storage, the Colorado River Compact, funding, and how to maintain a healthy Ag economy into the future. Register HERE. Read the full agenda HERE.