Trainings & Workshops Late September

OCTOBER 21st, 2021, 3:00PM -5:00PM | Bilingual Training: Taking Care of Stormwater Infrastructure (A closer look at Extended Detention Basins). In Colorado, the most common type of Stormwater Infrastructure used is the Extended Detention Basin (EDB). In many cases this type of stormwater infrastructure is owned by HOAs or commercial properties. You may own, manage, or maintain a property with an Extended Detention Basin! Join to learn more about how to identify these systems, how they function and how to keep your costs low by regularly maintaining them. Light refreshments will be provided.

En Colorado, el tipo más común de infraestructura de aguas pluviales que se utiliza es la cuenca de retención ampliada (EDB). En muchos casos, este tipo de infraestructura de aguas pluviales es propiedad de las asociaciones de propietarios o de las propiedades comerciales. Es posible que usted sea propietario, administre o mantenga una propiedad con una cuenca de retención ampliada. Participe con nosotros para aprender más sobre cómo identificar estos sistemas, cómo funcionan y cómo mantener sus costes bajos mediante el mantenimiento regular de los mismos.

This class is offered in Spanish and English. Register HERE.

OCTOBER 27th-28th, 2021 | Geographic Information Systems for Water and Wastewater Utilities. The use of Geographic Information Systems in utilities is becoming more and more prevalent as many companies update their CAD systems to have more functioning asset management technologies.   While GIS in utilities is similar in many of the data collection and data management functions there are some distinct differences in the water and wastewater sectors.  This course will go through the fundamentals of GIS and how it applies to the industry. Click HERE to register.

MSU Denver developed the noncredit Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Students will learn history, law, management, and water trends in Colorado and the American West. The courses have recently been improved, offering the same high quality, but shortened to meet your busy schedules. The course structure has been redesigned for each class to be one month long to improve the learning experience and accommodate the schedules of busy professional students. Click HERE for more information.

Colorado Master Irrigator offers farmers and farm managers advanced training on conservation- and efficiency-oriented irrigation management practices and tools. This program is the product of efforts led by several local producers, district management representatives, and others. Colorado Master Irrigator is modeled on the award-winning Master Irrigator program created and run since 2016 by the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District in the Texas panhandle. Topic experts from Colorado and adjacent Ogallala states, serve as instructors over the 32 hours of the program. Colorado Master Irrigator's interactive class format is designed to encourage peer-to-peer exchange among participants and instructors, helping forge useful contacts that graduates can reach out to after their participation in the program. Click HERE for more information.

The Clean Water Certificate (CWC) training program for workforce development provides high quality training opportunities that promotes job growth in the stormwater industry and delivers industry-specific, job-readiness skills and knowledge. Click HERE to learn more about this training program offered by the Center for Watershed Protection.

Silt Removal - Positive Impact on Crop Yields, Water Use Efficiency, & Irrigation Systems. Presentation from the 2021 World Ag Expo on sources of silt, its impacts, and current and new methods of removal. Watch the presentation here!

“Stormwater Treatment Systems and Green Infrastructure” | Hermit’s Peak Watershed Alliance. Educational video shot and edited by Jacob Erickson (Hermits Peak Watersheds Alliance PR Media Specialist), narrated by Aaron Kauffman of Southwest Urban Hydrology, and produced by Hermit's Peak Watersheds Alliance. Click HERE to view.

“Returning Rapids Project: A discussion with Peter Lefebvre and Mike DeHoff” | Colorado River Studies. The Returning Rapids Project seeks to document the recovery of river resources once inundated by a full Lake Powell, and now being exposed as reservoir storage declines. Peter Lefebvre and Mike DeHoff, principal investigators of the Returning Rapids project and professional river guides in Moab, Utah, are working to record these changes. They will share their preliminary findings and matched photographs in the talk. Watch the full video HERE.

The American Stormwater Institute, LLC now offers courses in a live setting and online that deal with developing the knowledge and skills required to conduct stormwater inspections. Our courses are based on a “Real World” attitude of finding implementable solutions to the challenges that stormwater inspectors face every day. The state and federal regulations require that “QUALIFIED PERSONS” conduct inspections related to stormwater permits. The overarching goal of the ASI classes is to ensure that our students are well qualified to conduct these inspections. For a list of all classes offered click HERE.