Conferences & Events Early February

February 15th, 2023 | San Luis Valley Collaboration Summit. The San Luis Valley Collaboration Summit is an opportunity for regional community leaders from across the San Luis Valley to come together to learn more about cross-sector collaborations and examine future ways to build effective and impactful connections and partnerships. The Collaboration Summit will offer an interactive panel and group dialogue activity with representatives from several successful SLV collaborative groups including broadband, opioid, housing coalition, early childhood and workplace learning.

February 16th, 2023 | Where Do We Flow From Here? | The Brooksher Watershed Institute. The Colorado River starts in our backyard, when it falls as snow in Colorado, but more than 40 million people use its water from Wyoming to Mexico. Where does the water go, and how do we balance the needs of cities, farms, tribes, and ecosystems as we decide how to divvy up the shrinking river going forward? Alex travels the basin covering water issues for National Public Radio stations. He’ll share stories of the people and places that depend on the Colorado River, and take a look at how they’re shaping its future. This program is FREE but registration is required.

February 21st-22nd, 2023 | Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Annual Conference. Registration is now open for the 9 th Annual Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Conference The conference kicks off at noon Tuesday, Feb. 21 with a luncheon and membership meeting. All are invited to attend. The schedule continues into the early evening the same day, resumes early morning on day two, and concludes mid-afternoon on day two.

February 22nd, 2023 | State Policy Scorecard for Water Efficiency and Sustainability. The five-year update to AWE's State Policy Scorecard for Water Efficiency and Sustainability has been released! This webinar addresses changes in state-level laws pertaining to efficiency and conservation. It also covers national trends and observations from the research, state-specific highlights, and perspectives from state-level officials.

March 1st ,2023 | The St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservancy District's Annual Water Symposium. Save the date!

March 9th & 10th, 2023 | Western Spaces Annual Land Conference. Save the date! The theme this year is Framing the Future: Investing in Solutions for a Thriving West, and we are planning a great series of panels, workshops, and plenary discussions.

April 10th & 11th, 2023 | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference. This conference is geared toward professionals working proactively to improve wildfire outcomes in Colorado communities and landscapes such as Mitigation Specialists, Emergency Managers, Firefighters, Researchers, Foresters, Developers and Policy Makers. Anyone wishing to learn more about how they can reduce their community’s vulnerability to wildfire is welcome to attend.

April 11th-14th, 2023 | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference. Save the date!

April 12, 2023 - Society of Wetland Scientists Rocky Mountain Chapter Annual Meeting - The Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) Rocky Mountain Chapter Annual Meeting will be on April 12, 2023, in Denver, Colorado at the Denver Botanic Gardens Mitchell Hall (1007 York St., Denver). The meeting is expected to bring together over 100 researchers, students, government scientists, private sector consultants, and other wetland practitioners. It will cultivate scientific and regulatory exchanges between diverse groups of professionals involved in wetland stewardship around the region. 

May 18th, 2023 | Trinidad Water Festival. Save the date!

June 12th, 2023 | Colorado Brownfields Conference. This year’s theme, Brownfields – Redevelopment Gold, explores the many opportunities associated with brownfields. With unprecedented levels of funding for brownfields cleanup and support and an ever-growing need for community revitalization and affordable housing it’s time to cash-in on the Redevelopment Gold! Everyone from community leaders and municipal staff to consultants and development professionals will be able to learn, grow, and network at this year’s conference. The Call for Sessions opens January 10th through February 26th.