Conferences & Events Late March

APRIL 3rd, 2020: Annual Water Seminar: Wading into Watershed Health | Southwestern Water Conservation District | DoubleTree Hotel in Durango. Postponed due to COVID-19; potential rescheduling of the event later this year. Stay tuned! Water supply and water quality are inextricably linked to the health of our watersheds--from forest to valley floor. Irrigators, municipalities, tribes, and fish populations are among those impacted by recent wildfires. Efforts to bring significant financial support to southwest Colorado for forest management and wildfire mitigation have been successful. Also, the regional forest products industry is gaining momentum as economic incentives shift. Click HERE to register.

APRIL 6th-9th, 2020: After the Flames Workshop and Conference | Granlibakken Tahoe, CA. CANCELLED. Click HERE for more information.

APRIL 14th-17th, 2020: National Watershed and Stormwater Conference | Center for Watershed Protection | Austin, TX. The Center for Watershed Protection has made the decision to change the format of the 2020 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference. Of course, no event can truly replace face-to-face interactions and this decision was not made lightly. The reformat of the 2020 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference will be a robust online format that will allow for wider participation during the same time that the original conference was scheduled. Please look for the announcement of a new date for the online version soon. Find out more about the conference HERE.

APRIL 15th, 2020: The Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists Rocky Mountain Chapter |  American Mountaineering Center in Golden, CO. This meeting has been CANCELLED due to CORVIR-19. Registration fees will be refunded. Click HERE for more information.

APRIL 17th, 2020: Water Law Review Symposium | Denver, CO. Registration is temporarily closed as evaluation of the CORVID-19 Pandemic continues. Details to follow. The 2020 Water Law Review Symposium will discuss how water law and policy can be created and implemented to ensure all people have a meaningful contribution to the decision-making process regarding where water  is sourced from, how it is allocated, and how it is used, while maintaining a healthy ecosystem in the process. Click HERE for more information.

APRIL 23rd-24th, 2020: Arkansas River Basin Water Forum: The Vision of Water 20/20 | Salida, CO. Out of an abundance of caution to keep our community healthy and safe, the ARBWF board of directors has CANCELED the Arkansas River Basin Water Forum. Click HERE for more details.

MAY 15th-18th, 2020: River Rally | River Network | San Antonio, Texas. River Network is working to transition River Rally from a live event to a virtual format. Registration has paused to coordinate this new direction. Registration will re-open March 20th. River Rally provides an inspiring and energy-infused touchpoint for nonprofit groups from across the U.S. and beyond, as well as for agency and foundation representatives, industry innovators, philanthropists, academics, students, and community leaders. It includes over 90 learning opportunities including keynotes and plenaries, workshops, field trips, an awards ceremony, movies, social events and live music. We bring thought leaders and practitioners together to accelerate progress towards an equitable and sustainable water future. Check River Rally’s homepage HERE for the latest updates.

JUNE 2nd & 3rd, 2020: Lower Arkansas River Basin Tour. You and 50-60 other water professionals, agricultural producers, educators, and interested community members will have the opportunity to ride on our coach bus to tour the Lower Arkansas River up close. Members of the Colorado State Legislature's Interim Water Resources Review Committee will be participating in the tour. Along the way, you will meet the people striving toward a sound water future for the economies and habitats of southeastern Colorado. You will visit a diversity of sites and discuss these topics and others:
-New Pueblo Dam Hydroelectric Plant
-John Martin Reservoir 
-Water quality projects
-Agricultural operations
-Planned Arkansas Valley Conduit sites 
Topics will include the Arkansas Basin Roundtable Basin Implementation Plan, water quality, water storage and water-sharing to meet an anticipated supply gap, alternative water transfers, the agricultural economy of the southeastern Colorado, Kansas-Colorado Arkansas River Compact compliance, and much more. Sponsorships are available. Public registration is now available. More details are HERE!

AUGUST 20th & 21st, 2020: Water Education Colorado’s Water Educator Network Symposium: Equipping Learners for Action in a Climate of Uncertainty | Keystone Science School. The annual symposium includes training and professional development as well as a time for educators around the state to gather, share best practices, learn from each other and problem-solve to overcome challenges in water education. Educators, water professionals and decision-makers are encouraged to attend. In the workshop, facilitators will model four activities and participants plan and teach a lesson to peers and receive feedback from workshop facilitators. Project Wet Workshop: The Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) workshop provides a hands-on immersion in a water education curriculum recommended by the National Science Teachers Association. In the workshop, facilitators will model four activities and participants plan and teach a lesson to peers and receive feedback from workshop facilitators. Participants who successfully complete the training receive a Project WET Educator certification and Project WET Curriculum Guide 2.0. Find out details and register HERE.

SEPTEMBER 2020: Colorado's 2020 Advancing Environmental Education Conference | Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education (CAEE) | Snow Mountain Ranch in Granby, CO. Colorado’s Advancing Environmental Education Conference is annually hosted by the CAEE, a statewide leader in environmental education since 1989. CAEE facilitates communication, coordination, resource sharing and professional development to advance environmental education among over 900 members across the state among various sectors. CAEE also advocates for increased access to environmental learning opportunities for all Colorado residents in order to increase environmental literacy in Colorado. Click HERE to read all about it.

SEPTEMBER 8th-11th, 2020: ESRI Water GIS Conference | Chicago, IL.  The 2020 Esri Water GIS Conference is scheduled, and planning has begun! Join them for all-new updates in GIS technology and a conference experience designed just for water industry professionals. You'll learn about new GIS solutions for water organizations, get hands-on training from Esri experts, network with other water professionals, and leave with the tools you need to enable digital transformation at your business. Find out more information, HERE.

SEPTEMBER 18th, 2020: President’s Reception | Water Education Colorado | 6:00-10:00 p.m. | Balistreri Vineyards. Join a night of celebration, networking, and awards to honor water leadership and raise money for Water Education Colorado at one of the best events of the year. Enjoy a cocktail hour, seated dinner, awards presentation, and lively auction at a beautiful indoor/outdoor venue. This year's award recipients have been announced! Purchase tickets by September 14th. Click HERE to get tickets.